Sunak: Labour Would Turn UK Into “Illegal Immigration Capital of the World”

The Prime Minister has warned the public that a Labour government would turn the UK into the “Illegal Immigration Capital of the World,” but Sunak’s record doesn’t look great.

Prime Minister’s Assertion

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has made claims about what immigration in the UK would look like under a Labour government.

Labour Party’s Grip on Power

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With the Labour Party’s victory looking more and more likely in the polls, the Prime Minister has upped his rhetoric to describe the opposition’s immigration policies.

UK Under Labour Government

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According to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, under a Labour government, the UK would be one of the easiest countries to emigrate to.

“Illegal Immigration Capital of the World”

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Sunak has claimed that a Labour government would turn the UK into the “soft-touch illegal migration capital of the world”.

Working With the EU

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Sunak criticised Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer for his proposed immigration policy that would see the UK working with border forces from countries in the EU.

“Illegal Migration Amnesty”

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The Prime Minister criticised the Labour leader for his “illegal migration amnesty and sweetheart deal with the EU”.

The Waiting Game

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Home Secretary James Cleverly wrote a piece in the Daily Telegraph, claiming that the newspaper has evidence that migrants are playing a waiting game.

Migrants “Waiting” for Labour

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Cleverly claimed that the Telegraph has “evidence” that migrants are “waiting for a Labour government”.

Tories Pledge to “Stop The Boats”

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Cleverly claimed that the Conservatives would “stop the boats” and “get legal migration right down.”

Tories’ Immigration Numbers

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Cleverly’s promise comes after 14 years of Conservatives being in power, during which immigration numbers have soared, not decreased.

Sunak’s Rwanda Plan

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This claim comes after Rishi Sunak’s plans to send illegal immigrants to Rwanda as a deterrent finally came into law. 

Using Rwanda as a Deterrent

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Sunak firmly believes that sending migrants on flights to Rwanda would work as a deterrent to stop people smuggling gangs.

Regular Flights to Rwanda

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Part of the Conservatives’ immigration policy in the general election involves flying migrants to Rwanda on a regular basis until no more small boats enter the UK’s shores.

Sending Flights “Until Boats Are Stopped”

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The Tories promised to run “a regular rhythm of flights to Rwanda to provide an effective deterrent, starting in July, until the boats are stopped”.

Rwanda Scheme Ineffective

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Since the Rwanda scheme was passed just before the election announcement, immigration has not slowed down. 

Labour’s Plans on Migration

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Labour’s plan involves working with members of the EU to investigate those responsible for people smuggling, cutting illegal migration off at the source.

Rwanda as a “Gimmick”

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Labour has regularly branded the Rwanda scheme as nothing but a “gimmick” designed to get votes, with the Party also hitting out at Sunak’s recent comments.

Sunak Scaremongering

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Labour has insisted that Sunak is “desperately inventing lies” about a Labour government to scare the public into votes.

Labour to “Get a Grip” on Immigration

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Sir Starmer promised that Labour would “get a grip” on immigration rather than inventing “gimmicks”.

Prime Minister’s Mistakes

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The Prime Minister’s comments come at a time of desperation for the Conservative Party as Sunak’s continuous gaffes lose more public support each day.

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The post Sunak: Labour Would Turn UK Into “Illegal Immigration Capital of the World” first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gary Perkin.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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