Prime Minister “Bullied” Into Betting Response, Says Starmer

The Prime Minister was accused of only acting on the latest Tory betting scandal because he was “bullied” to do so.

Starmer Lashes Out

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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has lashed out at the Prime Minister for not taking action in the betting scandal until he gave in to pressure.

Sunak Forced to Act

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was eventually forced to act against his Party members in the latest Tory scandal.

Succumbing to the Pressure

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Sir Keir Starmer accused the Prime Minister of only punishing his Party members because he was “bullied” into doing so.

Clashing on Betting Scandal

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During the third live TV debate between the two Prime Ministerial candidates, Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer clashed on the issue. 

Prime Minister’s “Delayed” Reaction

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Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, announced, “The Prime Minister delayed and delayed and delayed until eventually he was bullied into taking action.”

Labour Dragged Into Scandal

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Sir Starmer himself was also dragged into the scandal through one of his candidate’s betting actions, so the two men’s reactions were compared.

Two Very Different Reactions

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Sunak’s reaction was delayed, taking him a week to punish his Party members for placing political bets using inside knowledge.

Starmer Must React Fast

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Sir Starmer knew that if one of his Party’s members were also accused of betting, he had to act fast, and that’s exactly what happened.

Swift Reaction

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“What I did, when one of my team was alleged to have been involved and investigated by the Gambling Commission, they were suspended within minutes,” Sir Starmer said.

Sunak’s Response

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In response, Sunak claimed, “It was important to me that given the seriousness and the sensitivity of the matters at hand that they were dealt with properly, and that’s what I’ve done.”

Labour Candidate’s Bizarre Bet

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Recently, Labour candidate Kevin Craig was suspended by the Labour leader after a bizarre decision at the bookies during the election campaign.

A Win-Win Scenario

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Craig decided to bet on himself to lose the campaign, ultimately making the election a win-win for the Labour candidate.

Tory Candidate Makes Similar Mistake

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Craig wasn’t the only one with this idea; it was also recently announced that a Tory candidate and three other Tory Paty members had done the same thing.

Betting on Election Date

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Four members of Sunak’s Party were involved in the scandal, including two of his security staff; three of them were caught betting on the election date using classified information.

Tory Member Apologises

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One of the Tory Party members has since apologised for his actions, although he insisted they were not illegal.

A History of Blunders

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Sunak’s history of accepting apologies for serious wrongdoings could have come back to bite him.

Sunak’s Controversial Past

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Earlier this year, a Tory Party donor, Frank Hester, was found to have claimed Labour member Diane Abbott “should be shot”, and Sunak’s response shocked the country.

Sunak Pressured to Return Donation

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Hester also claimed that Abbott made him “want to hate all black women”, forcing Sunak to consider returning Hester’s donations to the Party.

Considering the Matter Closed

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After Hester, who donated a total of £15 million to the Tory Party, made the violent and racist comments, Sunak responded by accepting his apology and considering the matter closed.

Tory Party’s Low Ethics

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Starmer’s quick response to the betting scandal shows his attempt to utilise the low ethics of the Tory Party under the leadership of Sunak.

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The post Prime Minister “Bullied” Into Betting Response, Says Starmer first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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