Invasion by Sea: Small Boat Migrants CONTINUE to Flood UK Shores

2024 has seen the likes of approximately 4,166 people enter the UK on small vessels, most notably 514 people arrived on 10 boats last Thursday- the numbers keep escalating. 

Highest Number to Enter the UK

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

Last Thursday’s arrivals have been the highest number of people to enter the UK for 2024 thus far. This time last year, the numbers totalled 3, 683 and in 2022 it was at 3, 229. 

Sunak on a Set Back

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

Rishi Sunak had previously boasted that he was bringing down the migration numbers, however, the steady escalation tells a different story. This is yet another setback in the PM’s Rwanda Project. 

Project to Deter Has Now Seen Numbers Rise by 10%

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Rishi had proposed that by threatening asylum seekers with deportation, it would deter people from making the dangerous trip. However, the arrivals have now soared by 10%. 

Britain Keeps Paying 

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Britain has already paid 240 million pounds to the Rwandan government, yet no one has been deported back yet. 

Arrivals Not Equaling Departures

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

The number of arrivals on Thursday alone surpasses the proposed number of people the Tories plan to send to Rwanda in a year. 

Supreme Court Not Playing Ball

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nigel J. Harris

The Supreme Court has ruled Rwanda unsafe, but in opposition, the government has declared the country safe for asylum seekers causing a divide and contradiction. 

Rwanda to Agree to Safeguards

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Mr Sunak agreed to a treaty with Rwanda to overcome the Supreme Court’s objections by ensuring asylum seekers would be treated adequately and be offered protection and even if their claims were rejected that they would not be expelled from the country.  

Policy Is Causing a Divide

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The Rwanda policy continues to be a source of division within Mr Sunaks own party despite the large political investment that has already been made. 

Legal Challenges Inevitable

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jirapong Manustrong

The House of Commons voted in favour of the policy albeit exposing some legal challenges that will most likely occur when the government intends to execute the project.

The Lord Will Scrutinize the Policy

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A senior researcher at the Institute for Government, Alice Lilly, said “This is the first indication that the Rwanda policy is unlikely to get through the Lords unscathed.”

Taxpayers Cough up Billions

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This Rwanda scheme will cost taxpayers half a billion pounds, making the public deem it unfeasible and full of “gimmicks.”

Policy in Motion to Get Votes

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

Yvette Cooper, Shadow Home Secretary, stated that “The Tories have let criminal gangs take hold along the Channel undermining our border security and putting lives at risk.” 

Symbolic Flights Before the General Election

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matthew Troke

Cooper believes the project is a gimmick that they wish to execute before the General Election in the hopes of sending a few “symbolic flights” to Rwanda just in time.  

PM Boasts About Numbers

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Mr Sunak bragged that the Tories were decreasing numbers saying: “Since I became Prime Minister the number of small boat crossings are actually down by over a third.” It seems this was in reference to 2023 figures.  

Seven Defeats From the House of Lords

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The Rwanda Bill suffered seven defeats in the House of Lords, hence it will be reviewed by the MP’s after the Easter break. 

Bill Deemed Emergency by Downing Street

Image Credit: Shutterstock / zjtmath

The bill has been declared an emergency by Downing Street despite it still being in the pipeline for discussion for more weeks to come. 

Frustrating That It Hasn’t Been Passed

Image Credit: Shutterstock / wellphoto

The Prime Minister’s spokesman said that it was “frustrating” that the House of Lords had not passed the legislation. 

Perilous Journey Should Stop

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Imilian

He went on to say that “The legislation is dealing with a migration emergency and we are introducing that legislation as soon as we possibly can to reduce the number of people taking the perilous journey across the Channel.”

Policy to Make a Difference

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It begs the question whether the policy is in place to actually solve the border issues or whether it’s a tactic to up the numbers. 

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The post Invasion by Sea: Small Boat Migrants CONTINUE to Flood UK Shores first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Susan Pilcher.

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