Tory MP Who Gave Away Personal Details Online Cites Blackmail

A Tory MP has admitted to giving away his colleague’s phone numbers to a random man he met online in the latest Tory scandal.

Revelations of Data Sharing

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In the latest scandal to rock the Conservative Party, a minister has admitted to sharing his colleagues’ personal details without their consent.

Tory Scandals Pile Up

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The Tories have been at the forefront of scandals over the last few months, with this one being one of the most serious.

William Wragg Controversy

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According to reports, William Wragg, the Conservative MP for Hazel Grove in Greater Manchester, gave away personal information to someone he met online.

Confession by William Wragg

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William Wragg, 36, allegedly shared his colleagues’ contact details, including phone numbers, with an individual he met on a popular dating app.

A New Tory Scandal

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Wragg has been the Conservative MP for Hazel Grove since 2015, although he now finds himself at the center of yet another Tory scandal in 2024.

Wragg Plays the Victim

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According to Wragg, he was tricked into giving away his colleagues’ personal details by a man he met on a dating app.

Colleagues Receive Unsolicited Messages

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Those colleagues later revealed they had received flirtatious messages with sexual connotations and even graphic images without consent.

Wragg Accuses Perpetrators of Blackmail

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Wragg insisted that he was the victim of the scandal, claiming to the papers that “They had compromising things on me,” making accusations of blackmail.

“I Told Him To Stop”

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 “They wouldn’t leave me alone. They would ask for people. I gave them some numbers, not all of them. I told him to stop,” Wragg insisted.

Wragg Cites Manipulation

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Wragg also claimed that the individual sending explicit messages without consent “Manipulated” him into sharing the information, acknowledging he has now “hurt other people” as a result.

Hunt Admits “Cause for Concern”

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According to Hunt, “The events of the last few days have been a great cause for concern” before issuing a warning to MPs in his party.

Chancellor Issues Warning To MPs

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Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has spoken out in defence of his fellow Conservative minister, suggesting Wragg should learn from his mistakes.

MPs Must Be Careful

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Chancellor Hunt suggested that “The lesson here for all MPs is that they need to be very careful about cybersecurity.”

Parliament Insists On Justice

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The statement released from Parliament suggested that Wragg was the victim, promising that authorities were doing all they could to catch those who sent the messages.

Parliament’s Serious Investigation

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According to a spokesperson, “Parliament takes security extremely seriously and works closely with government in response to such incidents.”

Urging Individuals To Speak Out

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“We are encouraging anyone affected who has concerns to contact the Parliamentary Security Department,” the spokesperson insisted.

Recent Tory Woes

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The Tories are no strangers to a scandal, recently dealing with a revelation that showed Tory donor Frank Hester spouting racist and violent abuse towards a Labour politician.

Hester’s Controversial Comments

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Hester allegedly made comments that Diane Abbott, the country’s first black woman in Parliament, made him “want to hate all black women.”

MPs Defect to Reform

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Many MPs are resigning in the wake of the Party’s issues, with two already defecting to the right-wing opposition Party, Reform UK.

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The post Tory MP Who Gave Away Personal Details Online Cites Blackmail first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / ESB Professional.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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