No End in Sight: Rents Predicted to Rise Significantly Over Next Three Years

Rising borrowing costs and high inflation are blamed for the expected rent rise, according to a leading think tank. The Resolution Foundation predicts that there will be ‘significant housing cost rises yet to come’. Borrowing Costs Highest in Almost Two Decades Following the interest spike caused by the disastrous Truss and Kwarteng budget, anyone with … Read more

Dangerous Decisions: Government’s Gamble on Early Prisoner Release

The government’s plan to allow well-behaved, low-risk offenders to leave prison early has been compromised, according to a watchdog. Reports suggest high-risk offenders have been released as part of the scheme.  Full Prisons Prompted the Scheme Deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden discussed the scheme: “We want to minimise the use of this scheme, but there’s … Read more

EU Study Reveals How Obesity Relates to Sick Days

A major European study has shown that obese workers are more likely to take days off through ill health than those at a healthy weight.  63.8% of UK Adults Overweight The study’s concern is the economic impact. Nearly 64% of UK adults are overweight, making the workforce particularly vulnerable to sickness absence.  The Greater the … Read more

NHS Underfunded For Over a Decade, According to Fiscal Studies Report


The Institute for Fiscal Studies says the government’s additional spending promises have not materialised, despite greater need than ever. Spending Needed More Than Ever With the pandemic creating extra care requirements and waiting lists reaching record lengths, NHS funding is more important than ever. However, the IFS has found that spending has been significantly under … Read more