Russia Escalates Threats Against UK in Response to Cameron’s Bold Claims

Russia has threatened to make British military facilities a legitimate combat target following David Cameron’s comments. Similar warnings have been issued to the French after Macron’s statement.  Response to Cameron Saying Ukraine Can Use UK Weapons to Strike in Russia David Cameron said that Ukraine has the right to use UK weapons to strike inside … Read more

Sunak’s Shrinking Economy Won’t Help Tories at the Polls

Party defections, racism rows, worse NHS satisfaction levels on record, local election defeats and now… the economy is still shrinking. Revised Official Figures Confirm Bad News The corrected figures show that GDP (gross domestic product) shrank by 0.3% between October and December 2023.  Office of National Statistics Data Adheres to the Findings Data from the … Read more

Calls to Ban Unregulated £11 Gender-Blocking Hormones

An investigation has found that children have access to sex-blocking hormones on the internet. These hormones are available without prescription and can be bought for as little as £11 per month.  Cass Review Casts Doubt Over Medical Interventions Dr Hilary Cass was asked to review gender identity services offered by the NHS. Her conclusion was … Read more