Predictable: Farage Falls At First Hurdle as an MP

Eight. That’s how many attempts it took Nigel Farage to win a seat as an MP. On one hand, you’ve got to admire his resilience. With his latest actions, though, you’ve got to question his morals. 

Farage Missing Opening of Parliament

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandre Rotenberg

You’d think it’d be an absolute honour to attend the opening of parliament – especially after eight attempts at election. But no, Nigel won’t be there. 

Understand Job Role

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Redaktion93

As an MP, you’re there as a representative of your constituents. You’re a PUBLIC servant – not a private personality. It’s your job to be in parliament, not a benefit. 

Trump Situation Generating Huge Publicity

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sandor Szmutko

The appalling attempt on Donald Trump’s life has garnered substantial public interest – just as you’d expect. Especially given the history of political assassinations in the US.

A Better Offer Came Up

Image Credit: Shutterstock / LightField Studios

There’s too much publicity around this for a media-savvy guy like Farage to turn down. This is just too perfect. To appear near Trump with the world’s media watching? It’s the PR opportunity of a lifetime. 

Questions Arise

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

Honestly, though, why is Farage going to America? To ‘support’ his friend? Will he be attending his bedside, feeding him grapes? Hardly. Trump is already back on the campaign trail. Farage is an irrelevance to Trump at the moment. 

Election Months Away

Image Credit: Shutterstock / rarrarorro

The fact is Trump is standing in an election in November. It’s months away. You’d think Farage would focus all his attention on being an MP – he’s just got the job, after all. 

Opportunistic, Nothing More

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

This is a cynical move from Farage. He doesn’t live in America, so he shouldn’t care about their election. His priorities should be his own country and his constituents. 

Timing Proves the Point

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frame Stock Footage

The timing of his trip to America proves the point many feared. Standing for election was never about constituents or a public duty – it was always about him.

Clacton No Accident

Image Credit: Shutterstock / vchal

Standing in Clacton wasn’t an accident. It was a calculated move – it was the easiest seat to win. In 2016, 70% of the residents there voted for Brexit. Winning in Clacton was a tap-in for Farage.

 It Was ALWAYS a Platform For ‘Brand Farage’

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

Nigel Farage is a celebrity politician. He doesn’t stand for ordinary people or his country. Actions speak FAR louder than words, and he’s opted to spend the opening of parliament on foreign soil.

Public Service Isn’t Talk – It’s Action

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix

Whether you like Starmer or not, his party has gotten straight to work even during the summer recess. No break, straight in. On his first day of duty, Farage will be missing. 

Fans Will Support His Actions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Antony Medley

The concern here is that the cult of Farage members will turn a blind eye to this action. They’ll see it as ‘supporting a friend’. 

Journalist Farage Will Use His Platform

Image Credit: Shutterstock / idiltoffolo

Farage himself will portray his actions as those of a good, caring person. Supporting a friend in an hour of need. 

Trump Doesn’t Need Farage’s Support

Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin

Trump was fortunate. He needs better security, not a grinning Farage next to him. Farage’s presence will do nothing to convince those on the fence about voting for Trump.

Clacton Residents Should Feel Anger

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

If you are a Clacton resident, you have every right to wonder why your MP is so part-time with the job.

Taking Taxpayer’s Money Without Working

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michael Tubi

He’s being paid £91,346 plus expenses to work for you. On his first day, he’s off supporting a foreign politician in a foreign election that isn’t voted on until November.

Quick To Call Out Others

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sussex Photographer

Farage is quick to point out the system’s problems without realising he is those problems personified. He’s in it for himself. He criticised Sunak for not attending D-Day, yet he can’t attend his first day on the job. 

Why Have a Go at Farage?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / 1000 Words

When people ask why the media has such a problem with Farage, examples like this are used. It’s not about his politics; it’s about his attitude towards service. He serves one person – himself. 

Hopefully, the Media Is Wrong

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michael Derrer Fuchs

He’s got five years to prove us wrong. I hope for the people of Clacton, he does. Hopefully, he learns from the mistake he’s made here. 

Accountability Is Key

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

The media exists to hold politicians accountable. So far, Farage has run straight into the first hurdle. 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Drew McArthur

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / lev radin

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker.

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