Farage Needs to Show Moral Responsibility Over Riots

Who should take responsibility for the recent violent riots and protests? A snapshot of public opinion shows where blame lies in the wider public’s view. 

Polls Suggest Significant Blame on Farage

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A recent poll by Savanta shows 51% of the public believe Farage is (in part) to blame for the disorder. 

Disorder Causes Rush of Cases Through the Courts

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Many people who participated in rioting are being given swift and serious punishments. Fines, custodial sentences and criminal records and being handed out by courts across the UK. 

Harsh Punishments and Consequences

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Rioters have been handed fines and jail terms for their role in the disorder. In many cases, this has led to employers relieving them of their duties, compounding their issues.

Far Right Leader Tommy Robinson and the Riots

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Right wing agitator Tommy Robinson has also copped some of the blame, with 54% of people polled pointing at him for instigating the riots.

Other Key Public Figures Are Also Blamed

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Social media giants did not come out unscathed – 44% of people suggested Elon Musk played an active role. Political figures such as Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour party and  Prime Minister came in at 40%.

What Are Some of the Causes of the Far Right Blame?

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Nigel Farage was heavily criticised for showing a video of the Southport attack. He claimed a conspiracy by saying “the truth is being withheld from us”, implicating the police and security services.

False Claims by Farage?

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Farage claims he was repeating fake information found on social media, in particular by people like Andrew Tate. Farage insisted he was only searching for the ‘“truth”.

Police Praised by Public

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The poll suggested the UK public were 64% in support of the police and the good job that they have done. 

In Contrast Criticised by the Right

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Farage claimed there was two tier policing, suggesting that the right-wing rioters were being dealt with more harshly than those on the left, who were attacking the rioters. 

Keir Has Uneven Public Opinion on the Riots

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rupert Rivett

The research shows that 52% of the public thought Keir Starmer had done a good job in dealing with the riots, whereas 38% think he had done badly. Not surprising considering the recent landslide to Labour. 

Who Is to Blame?

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The majority of the public (82% of people polled),  believe that the rioters went too far and are ultimately responsible for the unrest. They also believe rioters should shoulder the blame for their violent behaviour.

Is the Right to Blame?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

The research showed that 75% of the public think far right organisations have propagated a negative sentiment amongst the public for migrants and people from ethnic backgrounds.

Social Media Responsibility

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Research shows us that 73% of the public think social media companies are to blame for the recent riots, thanks to negative false claims about recent events and migration spread amongst communities.

Is Immigration a Big Issue?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Vitalii Vodolazskyi

According to 64% of the UK public, national immigration policy is to blame for this serious unrest, compared to only 59% of the public blaming the Southport killings.

Inequality Also to Blame for Riots

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One in ten believe reducing inequality will prevent further episodes of rioting, and that this narrowing of social inequality should reduce future risks of rioting by working class members of the public.

Split in How to Respond to Rioters

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Research shows 37% think the violent protesters need to be given swift and severe sentences. While 30% think serious concerns with the immigration policy need to be addressed. 

How to Stop History Repeating?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Swift justice and jail time for violent protesters is the common theme of the public mindset to prevent them from happening again. This harsh punishment is a reality, as courts have trials and sentences at speed to deal with the defendants.

Concerns Need Addressing

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The Concerns of the right and far right will need to be tackled and addressed to prevent further rioting. 

Which Concerns Need Addressing?

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Much of the public believe that immigration needs to be addressed to prevent riots from happening again. This is a common thought of the working class that recent events in Southport are in some way linked to immigration.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frederic Legrand – COMEO

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rupert Rivett

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval.

The images used are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual people or places mentioned in the article.

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