Michael Gove Admits “One Rule For Them” After Betting Rules Breached

Tory Minister Michel Gove has admitted that there is “one rule for them” as more Tory MPs admit to breaching betting rules.

Gove’s Admission

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Conservative Minister Michael Gove has admitted that it’s “one rule for them” after the latest Tory scandal has come to light.

Housing Minister Speaks Out

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Gove, the Conservative’s Housing and Communities Minister, has admitted that the recent betting scandal does not paint the Tories well.

Party Gate Comparison

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According to Gove, the scandal is reminiscent of Party Gate, when the public accused Boris Johnson’s Tory Party of disobeying their own rules.

Final Nail in the Coffin?

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Gove outlined this as the main reason the betting scandal could be the final nail in the coffin for the Tory Party.

The Most Damaging Aspect

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According to Gove, “It looks like one rule for them and one rule for us. That’s the most potentially damaging thing.”

Disobeying Rules Set for Others

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“The perception that we operate outside the rules that we set for others. That was damaging at the time of Partygate and is damaging here,” Gove insisted.

Condemning Tory Officials

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Michael Gove and the Prime Minister have severely condemned the actions of at least four Tory officials who have admitted to placing bets on the election date.

Gove Slams Betting Frauds

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Gove claimed that betting on something from a privileged position and using inside knowledge was “not acceptable,” while Sunak claimed he would take matters more seriously.

Individuals “Damaging” Party Campaign

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Gove accused the individuals of “sucking the oxygen out of the campaign” and “creating an incredibly damaging atmosphere for the party”.

Sunak’s Warning to Betters

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised to take action against those found guilty of betting and gave them a stern warning.

Sunak Promises to Give Tories the Boot

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Sunak insisted that anyone found guilty of betting would be “booted out” of the Conservative Party ahead of the general election on July 4.

Tory Members Remain

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Despite this warning, Tory officials Craig Williams and Laura Saunders remain members of the Party.

An Admission of Guilt

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Both Williams and Saunders have admitted they put bets on the general election date, with Williams apologising.

Sunak Fails to Follow Through on Promise

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However, both still remain members of the Tory Party even though Sunak made a promise to the public. This could affect Sunak’s reputation even more.

Gove’s Lack of Faith

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Michael Gove doesn’t seem to have much faith that the Conservative Prime Minister can win another four years in power after the election.

Gove to Stand Down

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This has been shown by Gove’s decision to stand down as MP after serving for the entire 14-year period that the Tories have had in power.

Mass Tory Exodus Continues

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The Housing and Communities Minister is one of many Tory MPs who have either resigned, retired or defected ahead of the general election.

Lack of Confidence in Prime Minister 

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Over 70 Tory MPs have now admitted they lack confidence in the Prime Minister by standing down in the election.

Former Prime Minister Stands Down

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Former Prime Minister Theresa May is one of those MPs standing down along with former Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab and Michael Gove.

Polls Show Dire Tory Situation

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The lack of confidence in Sunak is also being shown in the polls, with Labour reaching a 20 point gap between themselves and the Conservatives.

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The post Michael Gove Admits “One Rule For Them” After Betting Rules Breached first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / I T S.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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