Labour Will Tighten the Noose on Fox Hunting, Tories Call It a Voting Ploy

In a public bid to increase the rural communities’ confidence in the Labour Party, Labour leader Keir Starmer has pledged to cut out the loopholes that still allow certain fox hunt practices. Tory critics argue it’s all just a ploy to get votes. Here’s the full story:

Labour Pledges to End Foxhunting 

The Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, has vowed to tighten regulations surrounding foxhunting despite accusations of fueling a divisive ‘toxic culture war.’

The hunting ban was introduced by Tony Blair’s Labour government in 2004 and has stayed put, however, some loopholes allow for different formats of hunting, including trail hunting and drag hunting.

Countryside Critics Speak Out

Critics, such as Baroness Mallalieu, President of the Countryside Alliance, accused Starmer of using Countryside laws to appeal to his urban fanbase.

“Many in my party remain obsessed with the pursuit of hunting at a huge cost to Labour’s standing in the countryside and the country as a whole,” said Baroness Mallalieu.

Former Labour MP Baroness Hoey also slammed Starmer’s proposal, arguing that there are much more “urgent matters” that the Labour leader could focus on instead.

Shadow Environment Secretary’s Assurance

The Shadow Environment Secretary Steve Reed affirmed that a Labour government will actively close loopholes in the legislation that allows drag hunting and trail hunting, within his initial days in office.

Contrary to Baroness Mallaleiu’s criticism, Reed insisted that it’s time to move away from a narrowly urban focus and showcase respect for the rural way of life.

Reed insisted that there are violent images of “packs of hounds” infiltrating people’s gardens and “killing cats” as a result of fox hunting in rural areas.

There’s not a majority in any part of the country that wants to see that continue,” Reed claimed before noting that after Labour banned the hunt, the Conservatives never legalized it again.

Labour Coasting to Victory

Recent polls suggest that Labour will claim a “landslide” victory in the upcoming general election that’s anticipated for later this year.

Despite the predicted victory, Keir Starmer’s approval rating in the polls is lower than you may think, albeit being stronger than the current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s.

Reed noted that Labour had become “detached” from its rural communities, aiming to bridge that gap using a number of environmental policy changes to benefit farmers.

As part of Labour’s outreach to rural communities, Reed announced plans to help farmers become more self-sufficient in terms of energy production, allowing them more freedom to put wind turbines and solar panels on their land.

Reed insisted that those from a city background should not be “telling people who live and work in the countryside how they should live their lives.”

Critics Urge Labour To Focus Elsewhere

Countryside Alliance member Tim Bonner called Labour’s focus on the hunting ban “bizarre” and suggested they focus on “affordable housing” and a “thousand” more important issues.

“Labour wants to return to fight the culture war of 20 years ago. This shows that the party hasn’t progressed at all and that underneath Keir Starmer’s veneer it is still about the politics of misplaced envy and class war,” Bonner argued.

Environment Secretary Steve Barclay said that Reed and the Labour Party are “taking the easy way” by telling the public what they want to hear in order to get in power.

Giving Power Back to Communities

Reed insisted that initiatives to ban the hunt and allow farmers more freedom would restore pride back into the local communities and give them back the power.

“We want rural communities to control their own futures,” Reed said, “Choosing the skills, childcare and employment training that suit the needs of their local economy. Choosing how their local buses should be run.”

While many people still believe in their right to practice fox hunting, Labour’s promise to ban the hunt further won’t be a surprise to many, since it has long been a part of the party’s culture.

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The post Labour Will Tighten the Noose on Fox Hunting, Tories Call It a Voting Ploy first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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