Muslim Council Demands Investigation Into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

After a torrid month for the Tories, the UK’s leading Muslim organization has demanded an investigation into the Conservative Party after allegations of Islamophobia have been thrown from all angles.

Muslim Council Calls for Investigation

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The Muslim Council of Britain has urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to investigate the “structural Islamophobia” within the Conservative Party after Lee Anderson’s “Islamophobic” remarks.

Accusations against the Prime Minister and Cabinet

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The Council accused Sunak and his Cabinet of maintaining silence regarding the recent “racist” remarks made by Lee Anderson, resulting in his removal from the party.

Sunak Denies Islamophobia Problem

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When asked in an interview whether the Conservative Party had an internal problem with Islamophobia, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak responded with the words “No, of course it doesn’t.”

Lee Anderson’s Controversial Remarks

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Lee Anderson, the former Deputy Chairman of the Conservatives, faced suspension for refusing to apologize after suggesting that London Mayor Sadiq Khan was under the influence of “Islamists.”

Anderson’s Comments Spark Racism Debate

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Anderson said that he believed the London Mayor had allowed “his mates” to take over London, suggesting that “Islamists” have “got control of Khan and they’ve got control over London.”

Braverman’s Comments Echoed by Anderson

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Anderson was echoing the words of former Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who insisted that “the Islamists, the extremists and the anti-Semites are in charge now,” referring to the free Palestine protests that took place in London.

Suspended for Refusing to Apologize

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Anderson was suspended by the Conservative Whip not for his comments, but for his refusal to apologize, with spokesperson Simon Hart announcing Anderson’s suspension, “following his refusal to apologize.”

Labour MP Questions Tory Response

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Labour MP Anneliese Dodds suggested that it’s “deeply concerning” that Anderson would have “retained the confidence of the prime minister, simply if he apologised,” calling his comments Islamophobic, divisive and damaging”.

Muslim Council’s Response to Anderson’s Suspension

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While welcoming Anderson’s suspension, the Muslim Council of Britain expressed the view that Islamophobia within the Conservative Party is deeply ingrained and “tolerated by the leadership” calling for Sunak to investigate deeper.

Sunak’s Response to Anderson Suspension

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Rishi Sunak stressed that Anderson’s words on Sadiq Khan were “wrong” but never disclosed whether he viewed them as “racist” or “Islamophobic.”

Deputy PM Downplays Remarks

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Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden said that he did not “believe that Lee Anderson said those remarks intending to be Islamophobic” before revealing that Anderson would have been reinstated if he apologized.

Criticism of PM Liz Truss

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The Muslim Council raised concerns about the former Prime Minister Liz Truss for not pressing Steve Bannon, who praised far-right figure Tommy Robinson as a “hero” in an interview with her.

Mayor of London’s Response

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Mayor of London Sadiq Khan argued that the comments made by Anderson about him were “Islamophobic, anti-Muslim and racist.”

Khan Calls Out Tory Silence

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Before Sunak officially condemned the comments made by Anderson, calling them “wrong”, Khan acknowledged that the silence from the Government on the issue was “deafening” calling them “complicit in this sort of racism.”

Baroness Warsi’s Critique

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Former Tory chairwoman Baroness Sayeeda Warsi described Anderson’s comments as just the “tip of the iceberg” and “the rot at the heart” of the modern Conservative Party.

Richard Tice’s Ambiguous Response

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Right-wing Party Reform UK’s leader Richard Tice did not rule out the possibility of welcoming Lee Anderson back, defending the comments made by Anderson and claiming he “speaks for millions” in the UK.

Conservative Party’s Official Statement

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The Conservative Party responded, asserting that investigations and independent reviews had found no evidence of institutional racism within the party when conducted “over several years.”

Previous Tory Racism

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The fact there was a previous investigation suggests this wouldn’t be the first time a Tory MP has been accused of Islamophobia, with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson once mocking Muslim women for their religious dresses.

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The post Muslim Council Demands Investigation Into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Koca Vehbi.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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