Labour’s 1.5 Million New Homes Pledge Comes Under Fire

Labour’s deputy leader has announced that they will build new towns across the UK, including 1.5 million new homes, but is this just another failed government promise?

Labour Party’s Housing Pledge

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The Labour Party plans to collaborate with the private sector to construct “new towns” across Britain.

1.5 Million Home Promise

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Angela Rayner announced that if Labour wins the election, it will fulfil its commitment to building 1.5 million new homes.

Labour’s Post-World War Effort

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Rayner, the Shadow Housing and Levelling Up Secretary cited Labour’s similar effort after the World War in her bid to get the country on Labour’s side.

Rebuilding on Britain’s Past

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Rayner insisted that Labour would build “towns of the future” that have been “built on the foundations” of the past.

Focusing on the Working-Class

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According to Rayner, Labour’s housing growth would focus on the working class, “The postwar period taught us that when the government plays a strategic role in housebuilding, we can turbo-charge growth to the benefit of working people across Britain.”

Tory MPs React to Rayner’s Plans

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Tory MPs countered Rayner’s argument by insisting that it’s just another one of Labour’s failed promises to the public.

Labour’s Poor Track Record

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Conservative Party Chair Richard Holden accused Labour of failing to deliver on house-building promises throughout the 1900s.

Labour’s Previous Pledge “Completely Failed” 

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Holding said the opposition Party “tried to enact this policy last time they were in office and completely failed.”

Citing 1920s Britain

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Labour’s previous promises regarding housing, according to Holding, were such a failure that Labour produced the least amount of houses since the 1920s.

Starmer’s “Changed Labour Party”

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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has made it clear in recent announcements that he believes this is a “changed Labour Party”. 

Admitting Labour’s Wrongdoings

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Starmer’s notion of this so-called “changed” Party seems to be a recognition of past wrongdoings in an attempt to get the public on his side before the general election.

Developers Slacking This Decade

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Rayner also used her speech to attack developers she believes have not made their promises over the last decade.

A “New Dawn” Under Labour

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According to Rayner, the Labour Party will be a “new dawn” for developers “who deliver on their obligations to build high quality, well designed and sustainable affordable housing, with green spaces and transport links and schools and GP surgeries nearby.”

Holding Developers to Account

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However, developers who have “wriggled out of their responsibilities for too long will be robustly held to account,” she promised.

A Broken Boris Promise

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In 2019, under Boris Johnson, the Conservative Party pledged 300,000 new houses to the public, although current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had other ideas.

Lawmakers Advise Against New Pledge

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Sunak was made to alter this pledge from a promise to an advisory target due to backlash from the Party’s lawmakers who advised against building 300,000 new homes.

Leaving False Promises in the Past

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Starmer’s notion of a “changed” Labour Party leads the public to believe that past accusations against them and previous failed promises no longer apply.

Corbyn Under Investigation

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These accusations include those directed at former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is under investigation for anti-semitic behaviour.

The Difference in Leadership

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The new Labour leader’s ability to admit wrongdoing differs from Corbyn’s reign since he did not admit issues within the Party during his tenure.

Convincing The Public

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Starmer hopes that a “changed” Labour Party will also help in other sectors, including convincing the public that the party will build 1.5 million new houses.

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The post New Towns or Empty Promises? Labour’s Housing Pledge Comes Under Fire first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Duncan Andison.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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