Putin Expected to Want ‘Vengeance’ on Ukraine’s Allies

Labour’s newly appointed head of the Army has warned that Vladimir Putin may want “retribution” to the countries that assisted Ukraine in its war, including the UK.

Putin’s Revenge

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The head of the Army for the UK has insisted that Russian President Vladimir Putin will want revenge against Britain.

Britain Must Be Ready for War

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According to the Chief of the General Staff, Sir Roly Walker, the British Army must be ready to fight an army by 2027.

Russia Wants “Retribution”

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Sir Walker claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin will want “retribution” following the UK’s decision to heavily back Ukraine in the war.

Labour’s New Head of Army

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After Labour’s emphatic win against the Conservatives in the election, the newly appointed head of the Army spoke at the Royal United Services Institute land warfare conference.

Russia Will Be “Dangerous”

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Sir Walker also suggested that Putin’s Army would be “very, very dangerous” regardless of the outcome of its war against Ukraine.

Russian Vengeance

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“The point here is when you think they [the Russians] are down, they will come roaring back to get their vengeance,” the head of the Army said.

A Triple Threat

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Sir Walker said that by 2027, the “convergence” of countries like Russia, China and Iran could eventually form one singular power that could threaten the UK.

A “Mutual Singularity”

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“That is why you get to this point by… 2027-2028 this convergence may have reached some sort of mutual singularity,” he said.

Preparing for War

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Despite this warning, the new head of the Army claimed that the UK had “just enough time” to prepare for a conflict within the next three years.

Prime Minister Responds

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After the head of the Army claimed that Britain must be ready to fight a war by 2027, the Prime Minister issued a response.

Sir Starmer Agrees

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A spokesperson for Labour’s new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, argued that the Prime Minister completely agreed with the statements from the head of the Army.

Labour’s Defense Strategy

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The statement began, “The prime minister completely agrees with the thrust of the head of the Army.” It then pointed out Labour’s strategy to deal with the threats.

A “New and Dangerous” Era

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“He has talked previously about the new and dangerous era we live in and that is why we have launched the strategic defence review to assess those dangers, to assess those challenges,” the spokesperson continued.

Responding to Threats

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The Prime Minister agreed with the need to be ready for war, claiming the Labour government will “ensure that we have got the capabilities we need to respond to those challenges as and when they arise.”

Economic Growth a Priority

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Labour has made it clear that economic growth is the government’s priority, although the Prime Minister insisted that the nation’s defence is also a top priority given the threat of Russia.

Increasing Defence Spending

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In order to grow the economy, Labour will increase defense spending to 2.5% of the country’s national income when the economy allows it, although this is criticised by the Tories.

Tories’ Plan for Defence

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The Conservatives pledged to increase defence spending to 2.5% of the nation’s income by 2030, regardless of the economy’s situation.

Rebuilding Relationships

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In the meantime, the Prime Minister is looking to rebuild the UK’s relationships with its European allies in order to help protect the continent from Russia’s threat.

Labour’s Loophole

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Labour’s inability to give a timeframe for its rise in defence spending could provide them with a loophole. Some are concerned that the rise will never come because of this.

Responding to Putin

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With the head of the Army’s latest warning about Putin’s possible “retribution” in the next three years, a rise in defence spending may have to happen regardless of the UK’s economic state. 

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frederic Legrand – COMEO.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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