Tory Donor Under Labour Fire for Racist ‘Jokes’ in His Company

After being under fire for “racist” and violent comments towards Diane Abbott in a meeting, it has also been revealed that the Tory donor moved his rant on to target Indians and Malaysians, calling it the signs of a “loving company.”

Further Allegations Against Frank Hester

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The controversy surrounding Frank Hester has taken another turn as the multi-million pound Tory donor came under fire this week for inciting violence and racist language towards a politician.

Alleged Racist Remarks

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On top of the accusations that have already been put to him for racism, Hester allegedly made more derogatory comments about “foreign” workers and made inappropriate remarks regarding Indians and Malaysians in the same meeting.

Tory Party Accept Millions of Hester’s Cash

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The Tory Party have accepted £10 million worth of donations from Frank Hester in the last year despite comments he made in a meeting back in 2019 about Labour politician Diane Abbott.

Addressing “Foreign” Employees

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New allegations suggest that in the same meeting where he wished death upon Diane Abbott, Hester asked his “foreign” workforce “No room for Indians, then?”

Context of Reported Remarks

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During the meeting, Hester repeatedly attempted to justify making jokes about different ethnicities, calling it the signs of a “loving company.”

Hester’s Malaysian Joke Comment

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Hester insisted that he was looking forward to travelling to Malaysia so he could make new jokes – “I don’t know any jokes about Malaysian people but I’m sure we’ll find them,” he said. 

Hester Asked Employees For Jokes

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After making the Malaysian joke comment, Hester continued to ask his audience, “I’m sure we’ll find them. There have got to be some, haven’t there?”

Hester’s Idea of a “Loving Company”

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The meeting was called by Hester to address racism in the workplace, to which Hester insisted “that in a loving company, we should be able to make jokes about each other in a loving way, and tease each other.”

Previous Comments Involving Diane Abbott

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These new allegations come after Hester was reported to have made disparaging remarks about former Labour MP Diane Abbott, prompting her to report the incident to the Metropolitan Police.

Hester’s Thoughts on Black Women

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Hester said in the meeting that he thought seeing Abbott on TV made him “want to hate all black women” although later insisted his comments weren’t based on her skin colour.

Hester Wants Abbott “Shot”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Joe Kuis

Hester then went on to claim that Diane Abbott, the first black woman to have a seat in Parliament, “Should be shot” for her views and actions in government.

Hester’s Half-Hearted Apology

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Hester confessed he was apologetic for his comments after they were revealed to the public some years later, but insisted they had “nothing to do with her gender nor colour of skin”.

Abbott’s Response to “Frightening” Comments

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Diane Abbott, the former Shadow Health Secretary under Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party, admitted that she was “frightened” by the comments that have left her “vulnerable.”

Labour MPs Want Money Returned

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Many Labour MPs are urging the Conservative government to cut ties with Hester and hand back the £10 million donations received, although they seem reluctant to do so.

Labour Calls Money a “Stain”

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Labour MP Anneliese Dodds demanded that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak returned the money due to the “deeply disturbing” comments, insisting “Anything less than returning the money will be a stain on the Conservative party.”

“Utterly Revolting, Racist”

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Shadow Health Secretary, Will Streeting, has described the comments from Hester as “utterly revolting, racist and inciteful language” that “has no place in our politics and public life”.

Accepting Hester’s Apology

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has insisted that the Party have accepted Hester’s apology and his Tory MPs, including the Post Office Minister, have insisted that returning the money would not be “the right thing to do.”

Gove Insists Tories Do Not Have Racism Issue

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Communities Secretary Michael Gove admitted that “there are individuals who’ve certainly said things that are unacceptable and racist and that needs to be called out,” but refused to admit the Tories had a racism issue.

Former Tory MP Suspended

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Former Tory MP Lee Anderson was recently suspended for his comments on London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who Anderson believed had let “Islamists” take “control” of London, echoing former Tory Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s similar comments.

Sunak Accepts Hester Money

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Despite more Tory links spouting comments that have been deemed racist by members of its own Party, the Prime Minister refuses to acknowledge a racism issue within the Conservative Party and has insisted that Hester’s money will be accepted regardless.

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The post Tory Donor Under Labour Fire for Racist ‘Jokes’ in His Company first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / David Prado Perucha.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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