“War is Coming”: Reform UK and Tories Fighting for Centre-Right Position in UK Politics

“A war is comming.” MPs in both the Conservative Party and UK Reform Party are butting serious heads for a place as “centre-right.” Murmurings amongst leaders and discord are expected ahead of the 2029 election. 

The Battle of the Fittest 

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Nigel Farage and Rishi Sunak are competing to secure their space as the “leaders” and leading party of the centre right ahead of the 2029 election.

A Shadow Party

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The Conservative Party may not be governing the country, but the party remains His Majesty King Charles’ opposition. The party dropped in MP seats from 244 to 121 seats.

Reform UK

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With Nigel Farage leading the Reform UK party, they managed to increase their seats with five MPs representing the party. 

The Undeniable Win for Labour

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Despite Labour starting with 209 seats seats secured, they have managed to increase and gain the public majority’s votes. Labour has 411 seats and has already begun its tasks of fulfilling its vows to the country and the people of UK. 

Dubbed a Landslide Win

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Keir Starmer’s party’s win was dubbed a “landslide win” as it went ahead of everyone, including the Tories, who had begun with a lead in MP numbers. 

Worried About the Tories

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Suella Braverman commented at the Popular Conservatism event that “there’s space in British politics for only one conservative party, and at the moment our place in that spectrum is under serious threat.”

Less Support for Populist Parties

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GBNews observed that support for the Tories was stronger at one point before attempts to “relate” to the average folks. The “inclusive” stance reduced Tory seats and, in turn, increased support for the Labour Party.

Lost Support in Certain Regions

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Observations by GBNews also saw a drop in support for Tories in regions like Hexham. In Hexham, the margins of support were similar, with Torries dropping by 15% and Labour increasing by 14%. 

Northumberland Percentages

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Reports show that regions like Northumberland, which supported BREXIT, saw a decrease in support for the Conservative Party. However, Reform UK support in the region increased by an estimated 15%.   

Essex Percentages

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In Essex, the tides turned. According to GBNews, the county was “tired” of the Tories and increased their support for Reform UK by 30%. 

Reform UK Might Threaten Tory Position

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Reports show how the Reform UK party has won over votes and support from people who previously stood with the Conservative Party. This is particularly high in BREXIT-supported regions like Thurrock and Llanelli, to name a few. 

The War Between Parties

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GBNews reports that it looks as though the conservatives and reform are closer to each other than ever before. Reports suggest that the parties need to “brace for a bloody war,” on which of the two parties will dominate and control the centre-right. Braverman mentioned that “there can only be one centre-right party.”

Add Farage to the Conservative Party

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Some suggest that bringing Farage into the Conservative party might be a good option for the Tories, and Frage could replace Sunak as the leader. However, the suggestion of bringing a Reform to the Tories doesn’t sit well with all members. 

Some Tory MPs Support the Farage Deal Idea

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According to GBNews, some major Conservative party members are considering making a deal with Farage. MPs supporting the idea of bringing Reform UK leader to the Conservative Party include Braverman and others. 

They Are “Not Going Away”

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Andrew Rosindall, an MP for Romford, told GBNews “Reform aren’t going to go away.” He also voiced concerns that times were “perilous” and perhaps the only way to win was to combine forces. 

Becoming Stronger

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Rosindall also told GBNews that the Reform Party may grow stronger in numbers, as seen in their progress for this 2024 election. In many places, they have surpassed the conservatives in public support. 

Not All Reform Members Are on Board

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Within the Reform Party were also those who weren’t keen on a merger. Reports referred to them as “sympethetic” to Farage.

Opportunity to Take the Lead

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Farage sees the opportunity to gain power now that the Tories are having a “civil war.” The Clacton MP told GBNews that the conservatives were already battling with each other, and the elections had just finished. He said, “the ink is barely dry on the paper and they are at war.

Only Time Will Tell

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Melinda Nagy

Whether the merger between the parties is yet to be seen, if at all. For now, massive competition is going on, which could “make” or “break” the parties.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Drew McArthur

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