Labour Told They “Need To Get A Grip On Migration”

Yvette Cooper and Labour are frowned upon for not actively delivering on “cracking down” on illegal immigrants in the UK.

Illegal English Channel Crossing

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The migrants crossing in small boats into the UK has been a challenge for the former conservative government and is still a challenge now. 

Refugee Numbers Are High

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According to the Refugee Council of the UK, over 45,746 illegal immigrants made their way in small boats. 25,119 of these individuals were allowed to stay in the country as refugees by 2022. 

Processed as Refugees

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The Refugee Council notes that 60% of illegal crossings would later be recognised as refugees across the asylum database. 

In 2023 More Asylum Seekers Added to Count

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In the year ending December 2023, over 67,000 applications for asylum seekers were made, according to the Refugee Council of UK. However, the number of people who arrived were well over 80,000. The Refugee Council also says that only a small number of people who arrive are real asylum seekers. 

People Making Claims They Seeking Asylum

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The former Home Secretary, Priti Patel, mentioned in an interview that “people find very innovative ways to claim asylum.” She said some individuals have “claimed to be a child” to have a stronger chance of staying. 

Putting a Stop to Small Boat Crossings

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Even after Labour announced that their Border Security Command would tackle small boat crossings, people were still skeptical that it would work. 

Are They Being Deported?

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Where are the illegal migrants and immigrants going? This is the question many people have asked and demand answers to. In a recent panel talk featured on Britain’s Newsroom GB News, Mike Parry, former journalist, claimed Yvette Cooper’s talks on tackling illegal immigration are just “hot air.” 

Grip on Migration

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Stephen Pound, former Labour MP, also sat on the panel with Mike Parry, saying that some of those asylum seekers may have the right to claim asylum. He also noted that he would like to see them processed correctly, “legitamate, and paying taxes.”

Chaos Now

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Pound further said that “only once you actually start processing these cases, then you can get a proper grip on this situation.” He also noted that, at present, it’s “chaos.”

Labour Called Rwanda a “Gimmick”

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The Present Labour said in their manifesto that they would crack down on illegal immigration, starting with removing the “gimmick” Rwanda Scheme. Keir Starmer had previously expressed that the Rwanda plan “doesn’t work.” 

Not Deported

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In an interview, Mike Graham, Talk TV anchor, noted that there are over 17,000 foreign criminals in the country. They “have done time in this country, should be deported, but they’re not being deported,” the anchor noted. 

“People Just Don’t Leave”

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There’re many reports of people overstaying their visas and also coming on a study or work visa but they carry on staying. “People just don’t seem to leave the country,” Mike Graham stated.

Additional Risks

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Some criminals get past the border security in place, and this poses an additional problem and risk for the country. Criminals are said to have gone undetected by the Border Force and other authorities. He further asks Mike Jones of Migration Watch to shed some light on the situation. 


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Jones responded that Britain was in “free-for-all” mode where there were so many illegal immigrants in the country, and they were not being deported. They are detained and stay in the UK, and those numbers continue to rise with time. 

Elite Migration is Good

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Jones also spoke further, saying that Elite immigration is fine since it boosts the economy, and for those investing in businesses, it brings capital into the country. 

Illegal Immigration Cripples The Economy

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While Elite Migration is a good thing, “if you’ve got the free-for-all that we have at the moment,” having limited control over migration and illegal immigration may resort to crimes and damage the economy, Jones cautioned. 

Taxpayer Support

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The Refugee Council says asylum seekers are barred from working and only receive a £7 allowance per day. It may sound little, but it’s a lot coming from taxpayers as numbers already showed over 8 million people in the UK are asylum seekers and refugees. 

Refused Asylum Seeker Still Supported

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JMundy

According to reports from the Home Office, over 105,000 are supported under “section 95,” which declares that the asylum seeker and refugee can be supported with accommodation and income. £7 a day or £49 a week per person living in the housing accommodation. 

Slightly Better

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

According to the UK government, by the end of June 2024, there had been a total of 31,493 arrivals by small boats. The number is still high but reportedly down by 29% compared to the year ending June 2023, when the number was 44,460.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank.

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