Tory Chaos: Sunak Not Only Surprised the Public With Election Announcement

Winning an election is all about communicating to the voters that your party is the one to carry the country forward. So far, though, Sunak’s campaign has been blighted by terrible communication—mostly with his own party.

Date of Election a Surprise

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It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that almost nobody within the Tory party knew the election was coming. The government was going about its business normally, and then a spark of a rumour turned into an inferno. 

Government Heads Scrambling Back

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Such was the level of surprise that senior government ministers had trips cancelled or cut short at the last minute. David Cameron cut short an Albania trip. Grant Schapps delayed a trip to attend the hastily arranged meeting. 

Polling Suggests Now Isn’t a Good Time

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The polls last made good reading for the Tories a time ago, but recently, they’ve been especially bad. Their losing vote share the right to Reform, and the centre ground is a fight between moderate Tories, centrist Labour supporters and the Lib Dems. 

Not Sure What They’re Running On

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Strong campaigns usually run on a simple, powerful message—’Get Brexit Done’, for example. The problem here is that nobody seems to know what the Tory message is. It’s not clear to the MPs or the public. 

Running on the Economy? 

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There was some speculation that the election might be fought on the back of a rebounding economy. Still, whilst the data is better than it has been, it could be better. We’re growing, but slowly. 

Rwanda Flights Won’t Go

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A flagship policy for the Tories has been the Rwanda Bill, which has impacted immigration. Now Rishi Sunak has admitted that there won’t be any flights leaving until after the election, so two years of work and hundreds of millions of pounds has achieved absolutely nothing. 

No Room for Tax Breaks

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The latest figures from the Office for Budget Responsibility show that government borrowing was higher than expected, meaning there’s no room for the usual giveaways a sitting government will issue to try to sweeten voters. 

National Debt High 

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The Tories can’t run on their economic management, either. A key pledge was to reduce the national debt. It’s now up to 97.9% of GDP—up 2.5% since April 23. It was bad, and now it’s worse. 

National Service Policy a Surprise

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The National Service policy was a curveball nobody saw coming. Rishi Sunak said it would give a “shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country.”

Who Is Set to Benefit?

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The policy has clearly been poorly thought through, and then ministers and MPs have to try to field questions on it. James Cleverly was clearly bewildered when interviewed by Laura Kuenssberg on the BBC, suggesting it was a hastily thrown together idea. 

Not Enough Candidates

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If you were going to announce a General Election, you’d make sure your party was prepared to fight for every seat. The Tories don’t agree. Currently, 191 of 650 seats still need a Tory candidate for election. 

Surprise Resignations

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There are always MPs who will stand down at an election—that’s nothing new. What’s new now is the number and the timing. Most MPs will announce beforehand, allowing the party to replace them. This time, some have made their announcement after the election was set, suggesting there was no communication beforehand. 

Loss of Big Hitters

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To stand a chance of winning, a party needs several experienced leaders and people that the voters feel they can trust. In this case, the experienced leaders are falling. Suank has already lost several big names from his party, and rumours suggest others might follow. 

People Distancing Themselves From Sunak

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When a party is buoyant and feels like it has a chance of winning, you’ll see a lot of MPs desperate to put themselves in front of the cameras, almost auditioning for a big job should their party win. With the Tories, this isn’t true at all. Few MPs are pushing themselves forward. 

Air of Resignation About the Tories This Election

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A party on the front foot will try to dominate the narrative. They’ll be on TV, pushing their message to the newspapers, filling column inches with reasons you should vote for them. In this case, all of the running is done by Labour. The Tory coverage centres on Sunak alone. 

Nobody Rushing to Support

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John B Hewitt

Sunak is cutting a lonely figure here. Outside of James Cleverly, his allies dropped. It’s as if his party subtly reminds him he wasn’t their first choice. He appears to be fighting this one on his own. 

Gift Handed to Labour

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For Starmer and his team, this will be an open goal. The timing and the messaging have been dreadfully communicated to the Tory party, and they need to prepare. Unless something dramatic changes, it’ll be a precession to victory for them. 

Chance to Rebuild for Tories

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

The only hope for the Tory party here is that they’ll learn how to avoid running a campaign in the future. The communication has been woeful; the party divided, and nobody wants to win. It’ll be a complete rebuild after this, and it’s needed. 

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The post Tory Chaos: Sunak Not Only Surprised the Public With Election Announcement first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank.


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