Cut Cancer Treatment at NHS? Who would do such a thing?
A Book About Liz Truss

A mini book called “Truss at 10: How Not To Be A Prime Minister” tells some inside happenings of Liz Truss’ premiership while at 10 Downing Street.
Shortest Serving Prime Minister

Liz Truss is the shortest-serving UK Prime Minister and has only been in office for under two months. She began her time on 6 September 2022 and resigned 49 days later on 25 October 2022.
Her Time in 10 Downing Street Was Chaotic

A book by Sir Anthony Seldon documents some of Truss’ time in leadership. The book describes her time as the “shortest” and most “chaotic.”
The Sterling Lost Value & Sombre Times for UK

During her time, the Pound Sterling also sunk in value for a moment, and it was during her premiership that a monarch passed away.
Britain Still Feels the After Effects of the Truss Government

Seldon says the “aftershock” of her time in the office is still felt today. Could she have been the start of the £22 million black hole that now plagues the country? She never managed the finances well and was allegedly willing to cut cancer treatment in the NHS.
Crashed Economy

The author mentions that Truss caused a cataclysmic crash in the UK economy and was later forced to resign from office. There were considerations to reduce funds to the NHS cancer treatment unit to cover some of the unfunded spending cuts, which amounted to £45 billion.
Chaotic Behind Closed Doors

According to LBC, the workers aiding the Truss government told the author that there were some chaotic shouting matches.
Can’t Be Serious

When it became clear that cancer treatment funding cuts were a possibilty, Truss was asked if she was serious about it.
Tensions Increase

Truss was asked whether or not she truly meant the decision, but this fuelled the tension in the room even further. It didn’t seem like a real decision; it certainly wasn’t a practical one.
An Alleged Screaming Match

However, Truss allegedly shouted at everyone, “we’ve got to find the money,” and when told that it was impossible, she yelled, “It’s not tue, the money is there, you go find it!” She screamed at officials, including Alex Boyed, a senior advisor at the time.
Untrue Allegations

According to reports, a spokesperson for Truss commented on the book’s allegations and said it wasn’t true. The cancer treatment was never a consideration.
Health Care Cut Rumours Under Truss

The reports said cutting costs came after the advisers explained what the possibility of restoring funds could entail.
MP Denies Being Part of Health Restriction Conversations

According to news outlets, Kwarteng had reportedly said, “I wasn’t involved in any conversations restricting healthcare, but that doesn’t mean that the Prime minister and her team didn’t discuss this.”
“Spectacular Failure”

Some years later and Liz Truss is still the spectacle of government, the “spectacular failure.” She doesn’t have a primary role in government anymore, but some reports have called her the “backbench MP.”
It’s Sabotage

Truss has previously said that her time as a Prime Minister was cut short by “deep state.” She also allegedly spoke about her chance to restore democratic accountability, cut taxes and reduce the size of the government as being “sabotaged.”
Making Trips on a Mission

Truss has reportedly started some geopolitical talks these days, visiting places like Japan, the USA, Copenhagen, and Taiwan.
Visits Backfire

Her visit to Taiwan is said to have backfired. According to The, the Chinese Embassy is said to have called it a “dangerous political show which will do nothing but harm the UK.”
Why Was China Upset With Truss?

What China said was a response to what came out of Truss’ visit to Taiwan. The treasury under the Truss government had spoken of creating an economic Nato to curb “Chinese authoritarianism.”
Truss Isn’t Too Important

Reports also noted that an Asian expert shared with Sky News that Taiwan’s lack of response to Truss’ visit shows they don’t view her as that important. “Most people in the region don’t think Liz Truss maters much,” the expert said.
A Closer Look at Truss’ Premiership

Sir Shelton’s book on Liz Truss was written based on information exclusively provided by aides, allies, and insiders during the Truss government. The book’s insights reveal some riveting details and factors that led to the downfall of the Truss’ premiership.
Her Reputation Will Always Be Remembered

The Guardian reported that Truss wouldn’t stand much of a chance attempting to make a comeback. However, she has a record and title of being the shortest-serving PM in the UK’s history. The previous shortest-serving PM was George Canning, at 119 days before passing away from ill health.
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