Ukraine to Lower Military Draft Age to Boost Troop Numbers

As the country fights for its survival, President Zelenskiy has signed a bill to lower the draft age to allow greater recruitment to the forces. He has also permitted fresh assessment for anyone who has skipped military service based on ill health.

Draft Age Reduced to Boost Military Size

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In the latest bill, the age at which citizens can be drafted for military service has been lowered from 27 to 25. The aim is to increase troop numbers to help fight the Russian invasion.

Martial Law Triggered in 2022

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The bill allows a greater number of citizens to be called up under Martial Law. Ukraine introduced Martial Law shortly after the Russian Army invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

Bill Was Approved in May 2023

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

Lawmakers approved the bill early last summer, so it has taken almost a year for Zelenskiy to sign it. The reasons for the timing of the signing aren’t yet clear.

Fresh Health Assessments for Medical Waivers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kate Aedon

As the need for troop numbers to be increased grows, a second bill was signed which requires anyone who was given a medical waiver to be re-assessed. This could see troop numbers increased again.

Third Bill Sees Military Eligibility Database Created

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

A third bill passed into law allows the creation of a database that will contain the details of anyone eligible for military service in the country. 

Collective Boost for Military Size

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bumble Dee

According to experts these measures could see the available military manpower available to Ukraine boosted significantly. Whilst weapons might be an issue, the manpower shouldn’t be. 

Battlefield Static at Present

Image Credit: Shutterstock / cunaplus

Military experts are saying Ukraine is doing an excellent job of containing Russia. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Ukrainian military is holding territory very well. 

Russian Troops Mounting

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maksim Konstantinov

Whilst both sides are suffering heavy losses, the Russians are losing significantly more troops and equipment. According to some estimates, the number of dead and injured Russian fighters is closing in on the 500,000 mark.

Sustainability of Russian Military Causing Confusion

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Seneline

Estimates of Russian reserves are mixed. Some commentators say they have equipment reserves that could maintain this level of warfare for years, whilst others say much of the equipment is outdated Soviet-era and not suitable for battle.

US and EU Aid Not Coming Quick Enough

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maksym Kapliuk

One of the issues facing the Ukrainian military is the lack of equipment. Despite promises from NATO countries, there have been delays in much of the equipment being delivered. 

Republicans in Congress Blocking Aid

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

In the US, Republicans in Congress have been blocking the delivery of additional aid for Ukraine for months. There’s some optimism that this may be lifted soon though, giving the Ukrainian military a much-needed boost.

EU Delivery Promises Not Being Met

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Whilst the EU has pledged significant help in terms of ammunition, much of this has been delayed. According to some reports, less than half of the promised amount has reached Ukraine up to now.

Non-EU Countries Stepping Up

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

There are reports that the UK, Estonia and the Czech Republic have managed to procure shells to help support the Ukrainian artillery effort. This should see over 1 millions shells of varying sizes being delivered. 

Domestic Weapon Production in Ukraine Increased

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Hamara

The Ukrainian industrial base has increased domestic production of weaponry, in particular drones. These have been used to great effect in the conflict by the Ukrainians. 

Political Will Can Help Sway the Outcome

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Military commentators say that Ukraine can win the war, but it’s going to need the support in terms of firepower. The Russian forces are being slowly depleted and they haven’t taken any significant territory in two years. 

Weaponry Boost Expected Soon

Image Credit: Shutterstock / BoJack

Promised air power such as F-16 fighter jets should be delivered soon. The Ukrainian pilots and ground teams have been undergoing training which should be concluded in the spring. 

War Season Starting Again

Image Credit: Shutterstock / OLEH SLEPCHENKO

As the winter turns to spring, the ice will melt and the mud will eventually harden. By this time the work done on securing defences should keep the Ukrainian lines stable.

With Weapons Comes Attack

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Const Skomorokh

With stable defences and hopefully fresh artillery, troop and air power options coming to the fore, many will hope and expect Ukraine to launch fresh offensives this spring and summer. 

Perfect Storm to Help Ukraine

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Eight Photo

If allies solve domestic political problems it will allow re-supply of the Ukrainian weapon stockpiles. If this coincides with depleted Russian attack capability, the battlefield at the end of 2024 may look completely different to the present picture.

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The post Ukraine to Lower Military Draft Age to Boost Troop Numbers first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / – Yuri A.

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