Sunak Warns of ‘Mob Rule’ and the Growing Threat of Protestors to UK Security

After an increased number of what’s been described as “intimidatory” threats from protestors to specific MPs and their houses, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has suggested the UK descended into “mob rule.”

Rishi Sunak Addresses Rising Threats

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has warned that the country may have descended into “mob rule” after protestors issued threats against Members of Parliament.

Calls for Police Intervention

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Sunak demands police chiefs take decisive actions to counter “intimidatory” protests targeting MPs and their homes after increased pro-Palestine protestors take to the streets of the UK.

Police and Government Announce New Protest Measures

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Rishi Sunak revealed plans for an increased police presence to address the protests that he says are causing “alarm or distress” at various locations, including parliament.

Democratic Policing Protocol Unveiled

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A new “democratic policing protocol” has been unveiled, jointly agreed upon by Sunak and police chiefs that outlines measures to address threats, including the removal of protesters from politicians’ homes.

Response to “Intimidatory” Protests

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Sunak comprised a report that announced a new plan to combat the intimidatory threats, suggesting, “Intimidatory protests should trigger an immediate response [by the police].”

Protestors Target MP’s Houses

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Several recent incidents from protestors have seen them attempt to infiltrate the private homes of Members of Parliament, with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak’s houses being targeted.

Protestors Target Ellwood’s Home

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A recent incident that sparked a backlash from politicians came when Tory MP Tobias Ellwood’s home was targeted by a crowd of around 60-80 protestors who were furious with the MP’s support for Israel in the Gaza conflict.

Police Allow Protest to Continue

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MPs were not happy with the police’s response to the protest, who allowed the crowd to continue so they could exercise their right to protest both “legally and safely.”

Housing Minister Calls to Stop Protests

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Housing Minister Lee Rowley called the protest “terrible” and accused the police of allowing the crowd to “bully” his colleague, before saying he believes the protests should “absolutely stop.”

Carol Singing Incident

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A separate incident in December saw a crowd of so-called “carol singers” target Sir Keir Starmer’s home, although they were environmental protestors in disguise, changing lyrics to criticising the government’s environmental policies.

Sunak’s Greenpeace Incident

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Frederic Legrand – COMEO

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had his home in Yorkshire targeted by a group of Greenpeace protestors who unveiled a large black banner from the roof of the house while Sunak was away on holiday.

Growing Consensus on Mob Rule

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Sunak argued that “There is a growing consensus that mob rule is replacing democratic rule. And we’ve got to collectively, all of us, change that urgently,” in an attempt to counteract the violent behaviour.

Protecting Free Debate

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

Sunak did acknowledge the importance of preventing “increasingly violent and intimidatory behaviour” that he claims is “intended to shout down free debate and stop elected representatives doing their job,” calling the protests “undemocratic.”

Record Funding for Jewish Community Security

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Katarzyna Hurova

Sunak pledges a record £72 million over four years to the Jewish Community Security Trust (CST) to combat anti-Semitism. 

Rise in Hate Crimes

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Jewish schools, synagogues, and community centres will benefit from enhanced security measures as a rise in anti-semitism and Islamophobia in the UK has occurred since October 7th last year.

Increased Security Package for MPs

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After the increased number of “intimidatory” protests, Home Secretary James Cleverly announced an increase in funding dedicated to keeping MPs safe, totalling up to £35 million on tightened measures.

Sunak’s Warning to Protestors

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Sunak argued that “we also need to demonstrate more broadly to the public that you will use the powers you already have, the laws that you have,” suggesting protestors are taking things too far.

Commitment to Protect Democracy

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Sunak pledges to do whatever is necessary to protect democracy and uphold shared values, “I am going to do whatever it requires to protect our democracy and our values that we all hold dear,” he said.

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The post Sunak Warns of ‘Mob Rule’ and the Growing Threat of Protestors to UK Security first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sandor Szmutko.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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