Nigel Farage Declares Reform UK the New Opposition as Conservative Support Craters

As Nigel Farage’s Reform UK surges ahead in the polls, the Conservative Party faces a stark decline, prompting a potential reshaping of the British political landscape. Here’s the full story.

Explosive Earthquake

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

Nigel Farage’s explosive return to UK politics has shaken the political landscape like an unexpected earthquake.

“Real Leader of the Opposition”

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Farage, the newly crowned leader of the business-posing-as-a-political-party, Reform UK, has recently declared himself the “real leader of the opposition” following a surge in polling which must have chilled those working in Conservative HQ to the bone.

Conservatives’ Days Numbered

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Three recent polls have added to the feeling that the Conservative Party’s days are numbered.

Polling Drop to 21%

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One poll for Savanta for The Sunday Telegraph indicated a drop to only 21% voter support. In contrast, another Survation for Best for Britain poll forecasted that the Tories would secure 72 seats in Parliament.

Worst Polling Since 2019

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Should the Savanta poll be accurate, this would represent the worst polling for the Conservatives since early 2019.

Drastic Vote Share Reduction

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Similarly, the Survation poll surveyed over 22,000 people and highlighted a drastic reduction in the Conservative vote share from 44% in 2019 to just 24%, predicting a dominant victory for Labour with 456 seats.

Impossible Polling Results

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However, the most worrying poll for the Conservatives was a third poll by YouGov for the Times, which showed what many in the Conservative Party would likely have assumed to be impossible.

Conservatives Overtaken by Reform UK

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This YouGov poll showed the Conservatives at 18%, while Reform UK had overtaken them, polling at 19%.

“Electoral Extinction” for Tories

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Chris Hopkins, political research director at Savanta, used unexpectedly apocalyptic language to describe the outcomes of these polls, noting that they represented “nothing short of electoral extinction for the Conservative Party.”

Reform UK Leads Conservatives

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Though the pollsters at YouGov noted that the 1% lead gained by Reform UK was within the margin of error, Farage quickly jumped on the result as proof that his party had become the dominant force on the right of British politics.

“Significantly Ahead of Conservatives”

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Farage stated, “We are well ahead of the Conservatives in the north-east, the north-west, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands and parts of the eastern region.”

Ahead in ‘Red Wall’ Seats

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He added, “In what we call the ‘red wall’ seats, we are significantly ahead of the Conservatives.”

Farage Claims Genuine Opposition

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Reform UK’s recent ascent in the polls has emboldened Farage to claim that Reform UK is the genuine opposition to Labour, a sentiment echoed by many of his supporters.

Pressure on Rishi Sunak

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These disastrous polling results have put immense pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who argued that a vote for Reform UK would hand Labour a “blank cheque.”

Sunak Vows to Fight

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Despite the negative outlook, Sunak stated, “We’re only halfway through this election, right? So, I’m still fighting very hard for every vote.”

“Poll That Matters”

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“I always say the poll that matters is the one on 4 July, but if that [YouGov] poll was replicated on 4 July, it would be handing Labour a blank cheque to tax everyone. Tax their home, their pension, their car, their family, and I’ll be fighting very hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Cameron Warns of ‘Dog-Whistle Politics’

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Other Conservative Party grandees were similarly out in force, with David Cameron warning in an interview with the Times against Farage’s divisive approach, describing it as “dog-whistle politics” and cautioning that it threatens the very existence of the Conservative Party.

Farage Urges Voters’ Revolt

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Despite these critiques, Farage remained undeterred, encouraging voters to “join the revolt” and support Reform UK to punish the Conservatives for their mismanagement of the country.

“What Have You Got to Lose?”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

He added, “What have you got to lose?”

Labour Ready to Fight

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Labour, buoyed by their encouraging poll lead, expressed their readiness to fight against Farage and what they believed he stood for.

Labour to ‘Take Him On’

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Wes Streeting, the shadow Health Secretary, told GB News, “We’re going to take him [Farage] on on the arguments, we’re going to take him on on the issues.”

“Big If” for Farage

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

He added, “We’re going to take him on, on the arguments, and if he’s elected to parliament – and that’s a big if, he’s not been so far – we will take him on in the Commons chamber.”

Transformative Political Moment

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

The recent polling data suggests that the UK may be witnessing a transformative moment in its politics, with the traditional “party of government,” the Conservatives, bleeding voters to the resurgent right after years of shifting rightward in an attempt to hold onto those very voters.

Watershed Moment in Politics

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Though Nigel Farage’s claims to be the “real leader of the opposition,” like many of his statements, need to be taken with a large grain of salt, this does seem to be a watershed moment in British political history.

UK on Political Cusp

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As the general election approaches, the shifting dynamics suggest the UK is on the cusp of a major political realignment.

Right Fragmenting, Labour Waits

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As the right gradually fragments, all Labour needs to do is sit back and wait for Reform to consume the Conservatives.

Future of Conservative Party Uncertain

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Whether the Conservative Party can survive against the new political movement led by Farage remains to be seen.

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The post Nigel Farage Declares Reform UK the New Opposition as Conservative Support Craters first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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