Rowling Criticises Starmer as Labour’s Gender Policy Comes Under Fire

Keir Starmer’s evolving stance on gender identity and women’s rights has ignited a fierce debate within the Labour Party, drawing sharp criticism from women’s rights groups and prominent figures like JK Rowling. Here’s the full story. 

Gender Recognition and Women’s Rights

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The issue of gender recognition and women’s rights has been a contentious topic leading up to the UK election and has only become more prevalent as polling day approaches.

Labour Leader’s Challenge

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The issue has now grown into one that Labour leader Keir Starmer has to contend with, following his views on gender identity and women’s rights, which have moved considerably since a few years ago.

Criticism From Notables

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Despite the change in his views, the Labour leader’s stance has attracted criticism from gender-sceptical women’s rights groups and notable figures such as JK Rowling, who, in recent years, has become the flag bearer of the movement.

Backlash Over Statements

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Sir Keir Starmer has faced considerable backlash due to his fluctuating statements regarding gender identity.

“Not Right” Comment

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Initially, in 2021, Starmer commented that it was “not right” to assert that only women have a cervix. By April 2023, he expressed that “99.9 percent of women… haven’t got a penis.”

Shifting Stance

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His stance shifted again later that year when he stated, “a woman is an adult female.” During the special election BBC Question Time programme, Starmer stated, “On the biology, I agree with what Tony Blair said in relation to men having penises and women having vaginas.”

Strong Objections

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Starmer’s comments have not gone unnoticed, with gender-critical women’s rights groups such as Fair Play for Women, the Women’s Rights Network, and Sex Matters voicing strong objections.

Response From Heather Binning

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Heather Binning, founder of the Women’s Rights Network, told The Telegraph, “Last night on Question Time, Keir Starmer was asked about comments he had previously made about Rosie Duffield’s position on sex and gender.”

Choice to Respond

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She continued, “It was telling he chose to respond by saying he agreed with Tony Blair – a man. He could have said that despite his attempt to avoid a clear definition of ‘woman’ three years ago, he, of course, understands the immutability of sex and the need to protect single-sex spaces.”

Accusations of Dismissal

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Dr Nicola Williams from Fair Play for Women accused Starmer of dismissing women’s sex-based rights as “toxic,” and Helen Joyce from Sex Matters called on politicians to affirm her belief “that there are just two sexes, and that no one can change sex.”

Criticism From Rowling

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In an article published in The Times, Harry Potter author JK Rowling also criticised Starmer’s stance.

Long-Time Labour Supporter

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Rowling, a long-time Labour supporter, expressed her struggle to support the party under its current leadership.

Labour Voter No More

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She wrote she had “been a Labour voter, a member (no longer), donor (not recently) and campaigner (ditto) all my adult life.”

Debate on Rights

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Rowling argued that the debate for “left-leaning” women “isn’t, and never has been, about trans people enjoying the rights of every other citizen, and being free to present and identify however they wish.”

Women’s Boundaries

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Instead, Rowling asserts that her crusade is “about the right of women and girls to assert their boundaries. It’s about freedom of speech and observable truth.”

Critique of Labour Figures

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Rowling’s extensive critique extended to other Labour figures, such as shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper, shadow equalities secretary Anneliese Dodds, and shadow attorney general Emily Thornberry, whom she accused of minimising women’s concerns about sex-based rights.

Opposition to Scotland’s Law

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In a related development, Starmer firmly opposed lifting the UK government’s veto on Scotland’s gender self-identification law. The Scottish National Party (SNP) had passed legislation allowing individuals aged 16 or over to change their legal sex by signing a declaration.

UK Government Block

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However, citing threats to women’s rights, the UK government blocked the legislation, and Starmer confirmed that this veto would remain under his leadership.

Response From Activists

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In response to Starmer’s stance and Rowling’s views, several transgender activists and public figures have spoken out against the pair.

Pushback on Rowling

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In response to Rowling’s past statements in which she continuously misgendered transgender individuals, including the newsreader India Willoughby, Rowling has received considerable pushback.

Willoughby’s Response

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Willoughby tweeted that Rowling’s comments, in which she stated, “India didn’t become a woman. India is cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is.”

Disgust Over Comments

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Willoughby responded to the comment by saying she was “genuinely disgusted by this. Grotesque transphobia, which is upsetting. I am every bit as much a woman as JK Rowling.”

Legal Recognition

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She added, “Recognised in law, and by everyone I interact with every day. The debate about whether JK Rowling is a transphobe is over.”

Electoral Implications

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Starmer’s changing stance on the issue and the intervention of someone as high profile as Rowling has severe implications for Labour’s electoral prospects.

Future Uncertain

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As the election draws nearer, it remains to be seen if Starmer’s changing stance on the issue of gender identity or women’s rights will hurt or harm him or the Labour Party come polling day.

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The post Rowling Criticises Starmer as Labour’s Gender Policy Comes Under Fire first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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