Trump Faces UK High Court Breach Over £300,000 Legal Costs

Former U.S. President Donald Trump faces significant scrutiny for breaching a UK High Court order to pay £300,000 in legal costs to ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele, adding to his growing list of international legal challenges. Here’s the full story.

Trump Faces UK Scrutiny

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Former US President and convicted criminal Donald Trump has come under legal scrutiny on this side of the pond following his failure to comply with a UK High Court order to pay £300,000 in legal costs to Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent known for compiling a controversial dossier alleging Russian interference in the 2016 US election.

Increasing Legal Woes

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This latest legal woe to befall the increasingly embattled Trump adds to the growing list of legal challenges Trump faces both in the United States and abroad.

Steele’s Damning Condemnation

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Speaking to Sky News, Steele was damning in his condemnation of the former President turned insurrection leader turned convicted criminal, stating, “We’re talking about perhaps the next president of the US here, who is running for office and claims to love and respect the UK, and in fact is treating our legal system with contempt.”

Dispute Over Dossier

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The dispute centres around the infamous Steele dossier, which was commissioned by Trump’s political opponents and which contained unverified allegations regarding Trump’s activities and relationships in Russia.

Salacious Allegations

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The details, though unverified, were salacious, suggesting Trump had frequented sex workers while in Moscow.

Trump Denies Claims

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Trump has vehemently denied these claims and accusations of bribery, claiming the report contained “multiple inaccuracies” and breached his rights under the Data Protection Act.

Court Dismisses Lawsuit

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In February, the UK High Court dismissed Trump’s attempt to sue Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, because the claim was filed after the six-year limitation period.

No Payment Yet

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Subsequently, Trump was ordered to pay £300,000 in legal costs, but, in true Trump fashion, no money has been forthcoming.

Steele Vocal on Non-Compliance

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Christopher Steele has been vocal about Trump’s failure to comply with the court order, telling Sky News, “The fact is we were awarded a £300,000 initial cost order in February, which was confirmed when his right of appeal was turned down at the end of March. And so he’s been in breach of that order for two months now.”

Lawfare and Vengeance

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He continued, “Cost is the key issue in all litigation, and particularly in what we call lawfare, which we think this is. It is an attempt to take vengeance against us or to keep us quiet.”

Enforcing Judgments Abroad

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Trump’s failure to pay the legal costs raises significant questions about enforcing international legal judgments.

Potential UK Visit Issues

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Steele has expressed concern about what might happen should Trump simply not comply with the ruling, particularly should Trump ever visit the UK in the future as a re-elected US President.

Enforcement Measures Possible

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Steele warned that Trump could face enforcement measures if he travelled to the UK again without settling his legal obligations, though if Trump were President, that would be highly unlikely.

Challenges in Asset Recovery

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Unfortunately for Steele, there is no chance of him simply recouping his costs from Trump’s UK-based assets. They are held in complex trust structures—similar to shell companies often used by dodgy accountants or organised crime—which makes direct enforcement challenging.

Seeking US Enforcement

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This situation could compel Steele to seek enforcement in the US, potentially leading to further legal expenses. Trump is infamous for dragging out any litigation against him, such as he is doing with the still-pending criminal charges against him in the US.

Trump’s Legal Entanglements

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Trump is no stranger to legal troubles, as he recently became the first US President to be convicted of a felony related to hush money payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels.

Ongoing US Legal Battles

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Additionally, Trump is entangled in three other ongoing legal proceedings in the US, which pose significant challenges to his political future as he campaigns for a potential re-election.

Trump Claims Innocence

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In response to the legal challenges, Trump has maintained his innocence and framed the legal battles as politically motivated.

Spokesperson’s Irony

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A spokesperson for Trump stated, apparently without irony, that he would “continue to fight for the truth and against falsehoods such as the ones promulgated by Steele and his cohorts.”

Potential UK-US Strain

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The case has hilarious potential ramifications for UK-US relations, particularly if Trump were to be re-elected as President.

Straining Diplomatic Relations

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Atstock Productions

Steele has suggested that Trump’s disregard for the UK’s legal system could strain diplomatic relations, especially if he continues to defy court orders while claiming to respect the UK.

UK’s Dilemma

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However, the UK’s dependence on the US as an ally and the overwhelming desire to not upset the famously tempestuous and vindictive Trump would make any action against Trump next to impossible.

Significant Legal Issue

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Donald Trump’s failure to comply with the UK High Court’s order to pay £300,000 in legal costs to Christopher Steele is, without question, a significant legal and diplomatic issue.

Trump’s Broader Legal Troubles

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However, as Trump faces numerous legal battles, many of which are far more important to him in his quest to, once again, inhabit the office of the most powerful man on the planet, it is likely to result in little more than extensive bills to lawyers.

Impact on UK Perception

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However, it remains to be seen whether this latest development in Trump’s long-running and ongoing legal troubles will taint his perception of the UK.

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The post Trump Faces UK High Court Breach Over £300,000 Legal Costs first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis.

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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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