Trans US Election Candidate Banned From Standing

Ohio’s electoral landscape faces scrutiny as transgender candidate Vanessa Joy is disqualified for omitting her previous name, citing an obscure 1990s state law. Here’s the full story.

Trans Candidate Facing Disqualification

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Transparency and inclusivity are cornerstones of a healthy democratic process, ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to participate in governance.

Eligibility Raises Eyebrows

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However, a recent incident in Ohio has raised eyebrows and concerns about the accessibility of elections for transgender candidates.

Obscure Law

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Vanessa Joy, a transgender woman running for the Ohio State House, faced disqualification due to the omission of her previous name, shedding light on an obscure state law.

LGBTQ Rights

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The Democrat sought to represent House District 50 in Stark County, Ohio, amidst a backdrop of heightened discussions on LGBTQ+ rights restrictions.


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Despite garnering enough signatures, her candidacy hit a roadblock when she was disqualified for not disclosing her previous name. This incident has broader implications, reflecting potential challenges for transgender candidates nationwide.

The Unearthed State Law

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The disqualification was anchored in a little-known 1990s state law stipulating that candidates must provide any name changes within the last five years to qualify for the ballot.

An Oversight

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While Joy legally changed her name and birth certificate in 2022, this law was not included in the candidate requirement guidelines on the Ohio Secretary of State’s website, leading to the inadvertent oversight.


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To comply with the law, Vanessa Joy would have to disclose her deadname – the name assigned at birth but rejected by many transgender individuals. The term “deadnaming” is significant in the transgender community, reflecting a deeply personal and often distressing aspect of their identity.

For Joy and others, revealing their deadname poses not only a legal hurdle but also a threat to personal safety.

Legal Expert Perspectives

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Rick Hasen, a professor at UCLA Law School and an election expert, acknowledges the potential value of disclosing name changes but underscores the complications it poses, especially for transgender individuals.

Uncover Hidden Facets

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Hasen stated, “If a candidate has something to hide in their past like criminal activity, disclosing former names used by the candidate would make sense.” Hasen also emphasized the dual nature of such requirements, recognizing their intended purpose to uncover hidden facets of a candidate’s past.

Danger of Discovery

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However, he also highlighted the unintended consequences, particularly for transgender individuals who may face personal and safety concerns in disclosing their deadname, which aligns with their birth-assigned gender rather than their gender identity.

LGBTQ+ Advocacy

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Sean Meloy, the vice president of political programs for the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, shed some light on the limited awareness surrounding the prevalence of such laws across states.

A Broader Issue

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Meloy stated, “I do not know of tracking efforts to find how many states require name changes in petition paperwork.” This lack of comprehensive data underscores a broader issue in understanding the extent of barriers faced by transgender candidates. Meloy further emphasized the crux of the matter, pointing out the selective enforcement of these laws as a significant challenge.

Things Are Escalating

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The apparent inconsistency in applying such regulations raises concerns about potential motives to suppress transgender voices in the face of escalating anti-trans legislation. 

Rising Challenges for Transgender Candidates

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The incident in Ohio adds to a growing list of challenges faced by transgender individuals in the realm of politics. With an uptick in restrictive measures against transgender people in various states, the disqualification of Vanessa Joy becomes a focal point in the broader conversation about inclusivity in politics.

Appeal in Progress

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Vanessa Joy has appealed against her disqualification and is actively seeking legal representation. Her determination to change Ohio’s law underscores the need for a reevaluation of legislation that may inadvertently hinder transgender individuals from participating in the democratic process.

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The post — first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / NewFabrika.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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