Starmer Teases Remainers With New Youth Movement Scheme Amid EU Talks

Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s recent meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has left speculation about a potential UK-EU youth mobility scheme, hinting at a possible shift in post-Brexit relations. Here’s the full story.

Disastrous Inheritance

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Keir Starmer has not had a very easy time since becoming Prime Minister. Far-right riots ravaged the country shortly after he took office, a £22 billion black hole in the public finances was uncovered, left as a parting gift by the previous Conservative government, and a whole host of other problems have arisen since July 5.

Gloomy Outlook Ahead

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The doom and gloom seems to have affected Starmer, who, in a recent speech to the country, warned that “things will get worse before they get better.”

Diplomatic Glimmer of Hope

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However, following a recent high-profile diplomatic trip to Berlin, where Starmer and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz discussed deepening bilateral relations between the UK and Germany in an attempt to heal the festering wounds of Brexit, Starmer teased one small piece of possible good news to an electorate desperate for any hint of progress.

Joint Declaration Announced

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Following Starmer’s meeting with Scholz, which culminated in the announcement of a “joint declaration on deepening and enhancing UK-Germany relations,” seen as a precursor to any formal agreements over issues such as trade, defence, and migration on which the government has been seeking improvements, Starmer refused to rule out the possibility of a youth movement scheme with the European Union.

EU Youth Scheme Proposal

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In April 2024, the EU proposed a scheme allowing Europeans aged 18 to 30 to live, work, and study in the UK for up to four years. This proposal, which aimed to foster cultural and educational exchanges, was seen as a potential pathway to easing crippling workforce shortages in specific sectors within the UK.

Cautious UK Response

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However, the UK’s response, particularly under Labour’s leadership, has been cautious, emphasising red lines related to the free movement of people.

Open Door for Negotiations?

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While the Prime Minister repeatedly reiterated that there were no current plans to join the EU’s existing youth mobility scheme, his statements to reporters following the press conference left the tantalising possibility of an open door for future negotiations on a youth movement scheme.

A Close Relationship Desired

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Starmer stated, “We want a close relationship, of course, and I do think that can extend across defence, security, education and cultural exchange and, of course, trade.”

Subtle Shift in Stance

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This stance, though still cautious, marks a subtle shift from the previous firm rejections of any type of youth mobility scheme.

Past Vetoes and Brexit Fears

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Labour has vetoed the scheme twice, once in opposition and more recently again since taking office, out of fear that ardent Brexiteers would view it as a reneging on the rejection of free movement, which was such a large part of the Brexit debate leading up to the referendum.

Potential Significance of the Scheme

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The possibility of such a scheme, even in a limited form, would represent a significant development in UK-EU relations following the troubled years of Brexit negotiations and strained relations.

Scholz Welcomes UK Outreach

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For his part, Chancellor Scholz was forthright in welcoming a closer relationship with the UK and praised Starmer’s desire to repair the weakened ties since Brexit.

Scholz’s Commitment to Ties

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Scholz said of the UK’s new willingness to repair its relationship with the EU, “We want to take this hand that has reached out to us,” adding that he was concerned that “the contacts between our societies, between Germans and people in the UK, have declined massively after Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Importance of Understanding

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He added, “We want to change that, because if you know each other well, you understand each other better. We share similar views on this, and this is why we want to intensify the exchanges between Germany and the UK.”

German Interest in Youth Scheme

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However, Germany’s interest in a youth mobility scheme has been evident since the scheme was first suggested.

Germany’s Broader Goals

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Nils Schmid, the foreign affairs spokesman of Scholz’s Social Democratic Party, made clear that the German government was looking for a closer working relationship “in as many fields as possible, ranging from trade to student-mobility rights to defence.”

Starmer’s Caution With EU

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Despite the EU’s best efforts, Starmer seems remarkably cautious about any discussions with the EU. The Prime Minister is no doubt worried about any negative reaction from the UK’s right-wing, Brexit-supporting newspapers and what that might do to the government’s popularity.

Tantalising Possibility of Progress

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Despite this, Starmer’s Berlin visit and his discussions with Scholz have introduced the tantalising possibility of a new chapter in UK-EU relations. A youth mobility scheme, which is wildly popular in both the UK and the EU, would be one small step toward repairing the damage that has been done to the relationship between Britain and the continent and an important stepping stone toward winning back some of the rights that young people lost following Brexit.

Uncertain Future

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

It remains to be seen whether Starmer’s government will have the courage to defy the few remaining Brexiteers and take a bold step towards repairing that relationship or whether he will remain constrained by the unfortunate realities of post-Brexit politics.

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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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