Scotland Gender Clinic Stops Prescribing Puberty Blockers for Minors

Scotland’s Sandyford clinic has paused prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to under-18s, responding to findings from the NHS-commissioned Cass review. Here’s the full story. TERF-Island The UK is not an easy place to be transgender, with the country earning the online moniker of TERF-Island, in reference to the Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist movement, which … Read more

Not Safe: Rowling Criticizes Politicians for Association With Trans-Advocacy Groups

Renowned author JK Rowling has sparked controversy with her critique of political associations with transgender advocacy groups, amidst a debate fueled by the recent Cass Review on gender care practices. Here’s the full story. Outspoken Views JK Rowling has been in the news headlines recently, not due to any new books or adaptations of her … Read more

5 Times Things Got Baffling in Politics

British politics has become profoundly strange, with accusations of racism flying thick and fast, two former Prime Ministers fighting for relevance in a world that would rather forget them, and Jacob Rees-Mogg being Jacob Rees-Mogg. Here’s the whole story.  Interesting Times A famous Chinese curse states, “May you live in interesting times,” and it certainly … Read more

“Unprofitable” – Extreme Weather Threatens UK Food Supply and Rockets Prices

Unprecedented rainfall and global weather extremes threaten the UK’s food security, sparking shortages and price spikes as farmers struggle to cope with climate-induced disruptions. Here’s the full story.  Terrible Weather The United Kingdom has long been famous for its terrible weather, but as the climate catastrophe continues apace, with little to nothing being done to … Read more

Drowning in Debt: UK Weather Hits Retail Hard

Adverse weather and economic pressures in February impacted UK retail sales, prompting a shift towards ‘insperiences’ and underscoring challenges faced by fashion and household goods retailers amidst mounting uncertainties. Here’s the full story. Budget Aftermath The UK is no stranger to bad economic news as the country deals with the aftermath of the Chancellor’s budget. … Read more

Leaked Conversation Alleges British Soldiers ARE ‘On the Ground’ in Ukraine Conflict

A leaked conversation has revealed the alleged involvement of British soldiers in the Ukraine conflict, sparking diplomatic tensions and raising questions about Western military support. Here’s the full story. Fog of War In modern warfare, it can be difficult to tell what is true and what is not, with each side leveraging information to confuse … Read more

Soon Forgotten: Government Slashes Funding for Covid Programme, Sparking Concerns

Government funding cuts for the groundbreaking UK Recovery programme, despite its global acclaim for revolutionising COVID-19 treatment, prompt concerns over the nation’s scientific readiness and international standing in clinical research. Here’s the full story. One Crisis to Another  The UK Government hasn’t managed to do many good things recently, lumbering as it has from one … Read more