21 Reasons Brits Are NOT Joining the Military

Let’s look at the reasons why the military’s recruitment posters are gathering dust in 2024:  1. The Call of Duty Generation Prefers Virtual Battles Why join the army when you can experience the thrill of combat from the comfort of your sofa? Modern warfare, with its distinct lack of respawn points, just can’t compete with … Read more

25 Things You CAN’T Talk About Anymore

Remember the days when you could freely discuss just about anything without fear of sparking controversy? Well, those days are long gone. In today’s hyper-sensitive world, there are topics so fraught with tension that even mentioning them can lead to heated debates and hurt feelings. Let’s take a look at 25 things you simply can’t … Read more

20 Best and Worst Universities in the UK

Navigating the UK university landscape is like deciphering a complex code of rankings, reviews, and reputations to uncover where you’ll not just learn, but truly flourish. Whether you’re drawn to the historic halls of Oxford or the creative buzz of Goldsmiths, finding your perfect fit is about aligning your aspirations with the unique offerings of … Read more

21 UK Jobs Earning the Most

Let’s look UK’s most lucrative professions. Might your future self thank you for peering into the looking glass of financial grandeur we’re about to hold up? 1. Medical Specialists: Surgeons Playing God (With Bank Accounts to Match) Top of the list, unsurprisingly, are medical specialists. They play Jenga with human organs and get paid handsomely … Read more