10 Best UK Counties for Education in Schools

For parents on the hunt for top-tier education, here’s where the academic magic happens in the top 10 counties for education.  #10. Cornwall Cornwall pairs its stunning views with schools that are quickly climbing the ranks. It’s not just the scenery that’s bright here. #9. Norfolk Norfolk’s schools, under wide open skies, are all about … Read more

15 Weird British Pastimes That Others Don’t Get

The British Isles, a treasure trove of the unconventional and the outright barmy, have cultivated hobbies that might make outsiders scratch their heads in bemusement. But here, amidst the rolling green hills and ancient, whispering pubs, these eccentric pastimes are steeped in history and local pride. Let’s take a gander through 15 weird British hobbies, … Read more

Epic Fail: 10 British Infrastructure That Flopped

Welcome to a whistle-stop tour of ambition, aspiration, and alas, astounding flops. Britain, in its quest for progress, has stumbled a few times, giving us these marvels of misadventure. 1. The Garden Bridge Envisioned as London’s floating paradise over the Thames, the Garden Bridge ended up as nothing but a pipe dream. Millions were spent … Read more

10 Best UK Cities to Start a Winning Business

Embarking on a business venture? The UK’s cities offer unique landscapes for budding entrepreneurs. From tech hubs to creative clusters, find out where your business dream could take flight. Read on because some might surprise you! 1. London The capital’s global allure is undeniable. With its vast network of investors, a diverse talent pool, and … Read more

15 UK Towns Forgotten by Progress

In the grand race of progress, not every town is sprinting towards the future. Some are taking a leisurely stroll, while others seem to have sat down on a bench, possibly next to a statue of someone famous once from there. Here’s a countdown to the 15 UK towns that time, technology, and possibly even … Read more

18 Best Ever UK TV Series of All Time

The United Kingdom has a storied history of producing television that’s not only groundbreaking but also endlessly entertaining. From the gritty streets of British crime dramas to the eccentricities of British humour, these series have captured the imagination of viewers both at home and abroad. Let’s switch on the telly and countdown the 18 best … Read more