21 Ways You’re Embraced a Woke World

Have you caught yourself smirking at the word “mainstream” lately? If you’re navigating the tightrope of modern societal norms while rolling your eyes, congratulations—you might just be the epitome of woke. Let’s traipse through the minefield of your enlightened existence, shall we? After all, being woke in the UK isn’t just about sipping ethically sourced … Read more

Drenched: The 15 Soggiest Counties in the UK

Brace yourselves for an inverted stroll through the UK’s most drenched landscapes, a journey where sunshine is the guest and rain reigns supreme. If you’ve ever pondered where in the UK your umbrella might earn its keep, or where your wellies would become less accessory and more necessity, you’ve found the right list. 15. Lancashire … Read more