Douglas Ross Becomes Latest Tory to Bite the Political Dust

Douglas Ross has resigned as leader of the Scottish Conservatives following controversies over deselection and expense claims, marking a turbulent end to his three-year tenure. Here’s the full story.

Time to Go

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The bad news has continued to mount for Rishi Sunak as Douglas Ross, the leader of the Scottish Conservatives, announced his resignation following a series of controversies and mounting pressure from within his party for him to go.

End of Tenure

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Ross’s decision to step down came after the announcement of the upcoming general election on July 4, marking the end of his three-year tenure as the leader.

New Focus

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He cited his desire to fully commit to his candidacy for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East constituency as the primary reason for his resignation.

Not Feasible

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Ross stated, “I have served as MP, MSP, and leader for over three years now and believed I could continue to do so if re-elected to Westminster, but on reflection, that is not feasible.”

Deselection Controversy

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The immediate trigger for Ross’s resignation was the contentious deselection of David Duguid as the general election candidate for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East seat.

Hospitalised Duguid

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Duguid, who had been unwell and hospitalised, was effectively removed from the candidacy by the party’s management board.

Backlash and Judgment

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This decision led to a significant backlash, with many questioning Ross’s judgement and how Duguid was treated.

Expenses Scrutiny

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Adding to the turmoil, Ross faced scrutiny over allegations that he misused parliamentary expenses for travel related to his role as a football linesman.

Legitimate Claims

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Reports surfaced that he had claimed expenses for trips that coincided with his officiating duties at football matches, including a £58 parking fee at Inverness Airport during parliament recess and a £43 rail travel claim from Heathrow to central London following a game in Iceland.

Dual Role Discontent

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Ross’s dual role as both an MP and MSP had long been a point of contention within the Scottish Conservatives.

Senior Dissatisfaction

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Senior party members had expressed dissatisfaction with his ability to manage both roles effectively.

Tenuous Position

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An unnamed senior Tory told the BBC, “Mr. Ross’s position was not tenable and his judgement over the situation had been sorely lacking.”

SNP Criticism

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Seamus Logan, the SNP’s candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, accused Ross of hedging his bets and called for his immediate resignation as an MSP.

Harsh Words

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Alex Salmond, leader of the Alba Party, harshly criticised Ross, calling him “totally devoid of honour” and likening his actions to “a rat deserting a sinking ship while simultaneously trying to clamber aboard a gravy train.”

Opposition Attacks

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Scottish Labour’s deputy leader, Jackie Baillie, and Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, Alex Cole-Hamilton, also seized the opportunity to attack the Conservative Party, describing it as being in “abject disarray.”

Prime Minister’s Support

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Despite the controversies, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak expressed his support for Ross, highlighting his contributions to the party and his commitment to critical issues.

Steadfast Champion

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Sunak stated, “He’s been a steadfast champion for the union but also he and I have worked together on delivering two freeports for Scotland attracting jobs and investment, standing up to the SNP’s misguided gender recognition reforms, and also being unashamedly champions of Scotland’s north sea energy industry.”

Perilous Timing

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Despite Sunak’s defence of his record, Ross’ decision to step down as leader of the Scottish Conservatives has come at a perilous time for the Prime Minister.

D-Day Controversy

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As the controversy over his decision to leave D-Day commemorations rolls on, Sunak’s position as leader of the Conservatives is increasingly being called into question.

Internal Rebellion

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Some Conservatives, growing ever more worried as Reform UK continues to eat into their national vote share, have even begun to privately and anonymously brief against the Prime Minister.

Determined to Fight

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Sunak stated, “There’s lots of people who want to write me off, write this off, say this campaign or the election is a foregone conclusion. They’ve been saying that, by the way, since I’ve gotten this job.”

Unwavering Commitment

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He continued, “But the reality is, I’m not going to stop going. I’m not going to stop fighting for the future of our country. I believe in what we are doing.”

Transition and Task

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As Ross prepares to step down and potentially transition from Holyrood to Westminster, the Scottish Conservatives face the unenviable task of selecting a new leader during a general election campaign.

Election Impact

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As the general election nears, it remains to be seen how Ross’s resignation will affect the Conservatives in Scotland and the rest of the country.

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The post Douglas Ross Becomes Latest Tory to Bite The Political Dust first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Altopix.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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