Farage Facing Backlash for US Trips: Clacton Constituents Frustrated

Nigel Farage’s frequent trips to the US just weeks after being elected Clacton MP have sparked outrage among constituents who feel abandoned. Here’s the full story.

Off to the States Again

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

Nigel Farage, the recently elected and occasionally present MP for Clacton, will shortly be off again on another trip to the United States, with more planned in the future.

Eighth Time’s a Charm?

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Since he was elected a Member of Parliament on his eighth attempt, Farage has travelled to the US several times for appearances at high-profile events, raising questions about his commitment to his constituents.

Speaking for Climate Deniers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

Farage’s latest trip to the States, his second in just over two months since he became an MP, will see him speaking at a benefit dinner for the Heartland Institute, a right-wing think tank infamous for its climate denialism.

“A Blessing, Not a Curse”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

The Heartland Institute’s president, James Taylor, recently published an article in which he made several outlandish claims, including: “Carbon dioxide and warmer temperatures are a blessing, not a curse” and “Climate change policies cause far more harm than climate change.”

£12,000 for a Speech

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matej Kastelic

Despite the controversy over the think tank’s unscientific views, Farage is set to be the keynote speaker at the event, for which he has reportedly received an upfront payment of £12,000.

Exorbitant Ticket Prices

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Perhaps due to Farage’s exorbitant speaking fees, the Heartland Institute event features tables priced as high as $50,000 for those who’d like to share a meal with Farage and at least $4,000 per table for those who cannot afford his company.

Farage Defends Himself

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In response to the controversy, Farage justified his participation, telling The Mirror, which first reported the story, “I have previous commitments, contracts I have signed, which I will honour, because I am not the sort of person who lets people down otherwise you get a terrible reputation.”

“I Work Seven Days a Week”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Altopix

He added, “They advertised the fact I was coming a long, long time ago. So, number one, I don’t breach things that I have previously agreed to. Number two, unlike everybody else I work seven days a week.”

Constituents Disagree

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However, not everyone seems to agree with Farage’s view of himself as a workaholic. Constituents and political opponents alike argue that his ongoing involvement in US political events undermines his responsibilities as an MP.

“Deeply Frustrating and Infuriating”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Edward Crawford

Jovan Owusu-Nepaul, the Labour parliamentary candidate for Clacton who lost to Farage in the recent election, noted, “It’s deeply frustrating and infuriating. We spoke to many people on the doorstep, and it was clear that people wanted an active and dedicated MP. Whilst he claims record amounts of money, people are still struggling with their cost-of-living during holiday time, proving his commitment has always been to himself rather than those who sent him to serve.”

Questions of Commitment

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Farage’s jaunts overseas have raised questions about his commitment to his constituents and drawn attention to the eye-watering sums of money he makes in addition to his parliamentary salary.

£1.2 Million Annual Income

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

In the recently released Register of Members’ Financial Interests, it was revealed that, outside of his parliamentary salary, which stands at £91,346 annually, the standard wage for all MPs in the UK, he has declared an annual income of a staggering £1.2 million.

GB News Pays Handsomely

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The vast majority of Farage’s income comes from his controversial role as a presenter on GB News, the right-wing news channel in the UK, which is owned jointly by hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall and investment firm Legatum.

£97,928.40 Monthly Salary

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mehaniq

Farage’s wage is an eye-watering £97,928.40 per month from GB News, earned through his self-titled show on GB News, which airs Monday to Thursday.

Additional Income Streams

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Song_about_summer

However, not content with earning more money annually than many of his fellow citizens or constituents would likely see in their lifetimes, Farage also earns considerable sums outside his TV work.

Cashing In on Cameo

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tada Images

From the app Cameo alone, where C-rate celebrities and public figures desperate to remain relevant can record personalised videos for paying customers, Farage has earned an astounding £16,597.22. According to Statista, this figure is over £4,000 more than the monthly pay for part-time workers in the UK.

£70 per Cameo Video

Image Credit: Shutterstock / aslysun

Farage makes £70 for each Cameo video, equivalent to around 7 hours of work on the national minimum wage. He reportedly spends 24 hours a month on this activity.

£4,000 a Month for Writing

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tero Vesalainen

Farage earns yet more money writing articles for the right-wing newspaper The Daily Telegraph, earning £4,000 a month for 16 hours of work, which equates to an hourly wage of £250.

“Not Really Public Service”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Microgen

Farage has received harsh criticism over his substantial income and jet-set lifestyle, with Jo Maugham, founder of the Good Law Project, telling The Guardian, “You look at these numbers and you wonder, has Nigel Farage catapulted himself to the top of the list of highest earners in Clacton? Great for him, but it’s not really public service, is it?”

What’s Next for Clacton?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Despite the criticism, Farage seems intent on travelling abroad to maintain his high profile in the far-right and right-wing circles in which he frequently travels. What this will mean for his constituents back in Clacton remains to be seen.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Aaron of L.A. Photography.

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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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