Illinois Voters Join National Movement to Exclude Trump From Primary Ballots

Illinois voters join a nationwide movement, filing a petition to bar Donald Trump from the Republican primary ballot, citing the 14th amendment’s “insurrection clause.” Here’s the full story.

“Insurrection Clause”

Illinois, the latest state to join the chorus of voices seeking to exclude Donald Trump from the Republican primary ballot, reflects a growing national trend. Following in the footsteps of Colorado and Maine, Illinois voters have filed a petition invoking the 14th amendment, colloquially known as the “insurrection clause,” to disqualify Trump based on his alleged role in the Capitol attack on January 6.

The crux of the petition lies in the 14th Amendment, which prohibits individuals who have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States from holding office. This constitutional provision is now at the center of efforts across multiple states to bar Trump from participating in the electoral process.

Illinois Joins a Growing Movement

Illinois is not alone in its pursuit. The state’s move echoes similar initiatives in more than a dozen others. Notably, Colorado and Maine have already succeeded in preventing Trump’s name from appearing on their primary election ballots. This coordinated effort suggests a broader consensus among voters who question Trump’s eligibility in the aftermath of the Capitol attack.

The 87-page petition filed by Illinois voters meticulously outlines their case against Trump. It alleges that the former president, by virtue of his actions and rhetoric, played a pivotal role in inciting the Capitol attack. The document contends that Trump provided “aid or comfort” to those who engaged in insurrection, thereby disqualifying him from seeking office.

Parallel Efforts in Massachusetts

The movement to exclude Trump is not confined to Illinois; voters in Massachusetts, too, have launched a parallel effort. Linked to the advocacy group Free Speech for People, these initiatives underscore a coordinated and national push to hold Trump accountable for his alleged role in the events of January 6.

Trump, however, is not acquiescing to these challenges without a fight. In Maine, he has already lodged an appeal against the ruling that barred his name from the primary ballot. Simultaneously, Trump has taken his case to the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking to overturn a December decision by the Colorado Supreme Court. His legal team contends that Trump’s actions do not meet the threshold for an insurrection.

As the petition awaits its turn for a hearing in Illinois, the state board of elections remains pivotal in determining the fate of Trump’s candidacy. While spokesperson Matt Dietrich has not confirmed a date for the hearing, the board is set to address a total of 32 objections to proposed ballots later in January.

The decision made by the board will significantly influence the trajectory of this nationwide effort.

Uncertain Future

The coming weeks hold uncertainty for Trump’s electoral prospects as the U.S. Supreme Court mulls over his appeal against the Colorado ruling. Whether the court decides to pause or allow the decision remains uncertain.

However, the legal battles underscore the gravity of the debate surrounding Trump’s role in the Capitol attack and its potential consequences on his political future. The push to exclude Donald Trump from primary ballots is gaining momentum across the nation, with Illinois adding its voice to the collective call for accountability. 

The post Illinois Voters Join National Movement to Exclude Trump From Primary Ballots first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ink Drop.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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