Mass Exodus: Number of MP’s Jumping Ship Before the Next Election Grows

Almost 100 MPs have handed in their resignation ahead of the next upcoming election. 

Next Pole Brings Out the Resignations

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The next national poll needs to take place by January 2025 and 99 MPs have stood down,  according to the House of Commons Library.

Public Announcements Made

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Sixty-three Conservative MPs have made public announcements that they are calling it quits and not contesting their seat at the general election.

Conservative Party Status Is on Shaky Ground

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The Conservative Party is apparently in the runnings for defeat according to various surveys. Politico’s website stipulates that Labour is in a 17 % lead.

Most MPs Resigning From the Conservative Party

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The Conservatives have the most MPs resigning, but the SNP is facing the highest turnover come the next election with a fifth of the party standing down.

More Seats, More Goodbyes

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The largest group, the Conservatives won 365 seats in the 2019 election but sheds light on the fact that the biggest party lost the most MPs.

100 MP’s Quit

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The 2010 election saw approximately 100 MPs stand down according to the Institute for Government. The main party with withdrawals was the Labour Party, which had been in power for 13 years.

Expense Scandal Caused a Stir

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During that year there had been an expense scandal which was speculated to have been the cause for some MP’s stepping down.

Halfon Bids Farewell

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The latest MP to announce he will not stand at the next election is Robert Halfon, a Conservative.

Unexpected Goodbyes Come as a Surprise

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Halfon, the skills, apprenticeships and higher education minister bowed out unexpectedly and simultaneously timed as armed forces minister, James Heappey.

Letters to Sunak

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Mr Halfon, a veteran MP for Harlow said in a letter to Rishi Sunak: “After well over two decades as the Harlow Parliamentary Candidate and as MP, I feel that it is time for me to step down at the forthcoming general election, and in doing so, to resign as a minister in your Government.”

Resignation Watch Activated

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Mr Heappey, Wells representative, had been discreetly expressing dissatisfaction with the level of defence spending and was reportedly on “resignation watch.”

Urgent Pleas Not Heard

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Heappey issued a plea asking that the defence spending target of 2,5% of GDP be “urgently achieved.” The former soldier, who would have been defending a majority of 9, 991.

High Profiles Walking out the Door

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The most high-profile MP to exit after Boris Johnson, is former prime minister, Theresa May. She announced her departure in early March.

Reasons for Quit Unknown

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The reasons for the mass quit seem rather varied with Alok Sharma: the former Cop26 president stating it has been the “honour” of his life to have served as an MP.

Big Names Exiting

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The former health secretary, Sajid Javid, the ex-justice secretary, Dominic Raab and Ben Wallace, the former defence secretary are among the Conservatives who are stepping down while their party’s polls reflect badly.

Defending Majorities at the Next Election

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Mr Sharma and Mr Raab would have been defending majorities fewer than 5, 000 votes at the next poll, however both have stepped down. Raab, resigned following a bunch of bullying allegations which he denied.

Among the 17 Labour MP’s

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The former Labour leader, Harriet Harman, the former foreign secretary, Margaret Beckett and the former culture  secretary, Ben Bradshaw are among the Labour MP’s ready for departure.

Counting Resignations

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Nine SNP MP’s, one Green, one Palid Cymru, two Sin Feinn MP’S and six independents have resigned.

Time Will Reveal All

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The staggering number of departures, poses several unanswered questions. The next electoral election will prove interesting.

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The post Mass Exodus: Number of MP’s Jumping Ship Before the Next Election Grows first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / I T S.

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