“Appalling” – NHS Chiefs Finally Condemn Frank Hester’s Controversial Remarks

NHS England’s chief has condemned health tech entrepreneur’s controversial remarks as racist and sexist, sparking internal dissent and political scrutiny. Here’s the full story.

Significant Headache

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kings Davis

The scandal surrounding Frank Hester’s racist and derogatory remarks about MP Diane Abbott is refusing to go away, posing a significant headache for the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister.

Remark Revelations

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The National Health Service in England, led by chief executive Amanda Pritchard, has been rocked to its core following revelations regarding the remarks made by Hester, a prominent health tech entrepreneur and Conservative donor.

“Sexist, Racist and Violent”

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Pritchard, in an update to healthcare leaders, expressed her shock and condemnation of Hester’s comments, labelling them as “sexist, racist and violent.”

MP Diane Abbott

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Joe Kuis

The controversy erupted when it was revealed that during a 2019 meeting, Hester, CEO of the Phoenix Partnership (TPP), a major NHS supplier, disparaged Diane Abbott, the former shadow home secretary. 

“I Think She Should Be Shot”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / BonNontawat

His comments, which surfaced in The Guardian, sparked outrage as he reportedly stated, “It’s like trying not to be racist but you see Diane Abbott on the TV, and you’re just like I hate, you just want to hate all black women because she’s there, and I don’t hate all black women at all, but I think she should be shot.”

“Concern and Disgust”

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Amanda Pritchard addressed the issue in her weekly briefing to healthcare leaders, stating, “I’ve spoken to a number of colleagues – including at Wednesday’s meeting of the NHS Assembly – who have told me of their concern and disgust at the racist, sexist and violent comments alleged to have been made by Frank Hester, the chief executive of TPP.”

“NHS Values”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Marbury

She continued, “I completely share these concerns. The alleged language and behaviours reported are a long way from our NHS values. They should not be tolerated wherever they occur.”

Mounting Pressure

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Despite mounting pressure within the NHS for prompt condemnation, Pritchard’s response was perceived as severely delayed. 

“Radio Silence”

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NHS England directors and staff expressed deep frustration over what they perceived as Pritchard’s “radio silence,” lasting nearly six days after the Prime Minister finally denounced Hester’s comments as racist and wrong after previously refusing to do so.

Public Criticism

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Chris Parsons, NHS England’s deputy director of collaboration services, publicly criticized the organization’s handling of the situation. 

“Racist, Misogynistic, Hateful”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Evolf

Via social media, Parsons condemned Hester’s remarks, writing, “Racist, misogynistic, hateful and utterly abhorrent comments from a privileged, arrogant and boorish man who should have no place near the NHS and should never have been awarded an OBE – shame on you.”

“Your Silence is Shameful”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / altanaka

Following the perceived “radio silence”, Parsons tweeted again a few days later, criticizing NHS England’s lack of a response to the crisis, writing, “For the avoidance of doubt @NHSEngland and @NHSDigital this is what taking a system leadership stance looks like, your silence is shameful – when are you going to publicly condemn Frank Hester’s racist, misogynistic and hateful comments.”

“We Reject These Claims”

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In response to accusations of sluggishness in addressing the controversy, NHS England refuted the claims, stating, “We reject these claims, which are wrong and unfair. Ever since these horrendous allegations emerged, NHS England has condemned them in multiple forums and Amanda Pritchard addressed the issue unequivocally in her first weekly bulletin to staff since the allegations came to light.”

£400 Million in Contracts

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Despite NHS England’s response, Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, weighed in on the controversy, calling for the Health Secretary, Victoria Atkins, to review the £400 million in contracts the NHS has with TPP.

Prejudicing Future Decisions

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

Streeting said in an interview with LBC, “I ought to be careful, I think, about whether I go any further because there is every chance, if we win the general election, that this sort of thing might come across my desk, and I don’t want to prejudice any future decisions.

“His Conduct is Simply Appalling”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Atstock Productions

“However, I think his conduct is simply appalling, and what has genuinely shocked me has been the extent to which leading figures in the government have sought to initially deny it was racist and misogynistic.”

Far-Reaching Implications

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Yau Ming Low

The controversy surrounding Frank Hester’s remarks has far-reaching implications for the NHS, its suppliers and the politicians who help oversee the service. 

NHS Values

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As the calls for action continue to mount, the case for a reevaluation of contracts awarded to TPP continues to grow, with many questioning how a company with a leader like Hester can align with the NHS’s stated values. 

Equality and Diversity

Image Credit: Shutterstock / An Mazhor

Though delayed, the condemnation of Frank Hester’s controversial remarks by NHS England’s chief executive, Amanda Pritchard, underscores the organization’s commitment to uphold values of equality and diversity. 

Delayed Response

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Min C. Chiu

However, the delayed response and internal dissent within NHS England showcase the strength of feeling from workers within the NHS over such horrific comments going unpunished. 

Fallout Continues

Image Credit: Shutterstock / chrisdorney

As the fallout continues, the outcome for the NHS and Frank Hester’s TPP remains to be seen.

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The post “Appalling” – NHS Chiefs Finally Condemn Frank Hester’s Controversial Remarks first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / chrisdorney.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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