Right Wing Rivalry: Priti Patel Blasts Farage for Comments on Riot Policing

Priti Patel has fiercely criticised Nigel Farage’s controversial comparison of recent far-right riots to Black Lives Matter protests, sparking a heated debate and calls for a parliamentary recall. Here’s the full story.

Patel Criticises Farage

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Following the growing unrest sweeping England, with far-right violence being inflamed by misinformation and conspiracy theories online, disgraced former Home Secretary and Conservative leadership contender Priti Patel has criticised Reform UK leader Nigel Farage for his comparison of the far-right riots to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

Tragic Knife Attack

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The riots sweeping the country come days after a tragic knife attack in Southport, which claimed the lives of three young girls and injured many others.

Misinformation Spreads Wildly

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Following the attack, rumours began to spread like wildfire online surrounding the race, religion and motives of accused attacker Axel Rudakubana, with far-right activists fanning the flames of discord with misinformation and demonstrably false assertions to advance their xenophobic agenda.

Farage’s Statement

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One such figure, beloved of those on the far right, is Nigel Farage, who released a statement online, writing, “I have been totally appalled by the levels of violence seen in the last couple of days. The levels of intimidation and threat to life have no place in a functioning democracy.”

“Two-Tier Policing”

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However, he added, “Ever since the soft policing of the Black Lives Matter protests, the impression of two-tier policing has become widespread.”

Conspiracy Theory Spread

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The idea of a “two tier” system of policing is a right-wing conspiracy theory, amplified by far-right agitators like Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, which suggests that police intentionally crack down on far-right, white, and nationalist protesters, a claim several police chiefs have strenuously rejected.

Farage’s Criticism Continues

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

Farage continued, “The Prime Minister’s faltering attempts to address the current crisis have only added to that sense of injustice. The majority of our population can see the fracturing of our communities as a result of mass, uncontrolled immigration, whether legal or illegal. Yet to attempt to debate this in the public arena leads to immediate howls of condemnation.”

Outcry Over Comparison

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Farage’s comparison of protests over the killing of an unarmed black man and the racist attacks against mosques and hotels housing asylum seekers, some of which have been set ablaze with people inside, caused an immediate outcry.

Starmer Rejects Claim

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Prime Minister Keir Starmer rejected Farage’s claim of a “two-tier” police system, stating, “There’s no two-tier policing. There is policing without fear or favour, exactly how it should be and exactly what I would expect and require. That is a non-issue.”

Patel Rejects Comparison

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Similarly, in an interview with Times Radio, disgraced former Home Secretary Priti Patel firmly rejected Farage’s comparison, stating, “There’s a clear difference between effectively blocking streets or roads being closed to burning down libraries, hotels, food banks and attacking places of worship. What we have seen is thuggery, violence, racism.”

“Thuggery and Disorder”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sandor Szmutko

She added, “What we saw during the pandemic, we saw protest. We believe in free speech. We saw protests that were being policed. What we’re seeing right now is thuggery and disorder and criminality. There is a complete distinction between the two.”

Patel’s Free Speech Stance

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Patel’s belief in free speech will come as a surprise to many as, one year after the Black Lives Matter protests in the UK; she told LBC, “There are other ways in which people can express their opinions, protesting in the way that people did last summer was not the right way at all.”

Past Opposition to Protests

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

She added, “I didn’t support the protests. Those protests were dreadful.”

Government Urged to Act

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nigel J. Harris

Despite their recent differences of opinion, both Patel and Farage have urged the government to recall Parliament in light of the ongoing racist rioting currently taking place up and down the country.

Patel’s Letter to PM

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Patel wrote a letter to the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, in which she urged them to recall Parliament. She stated, “Parliament and the public need reassurances that the government are taking the steps necessary to restore law and order. Recalling Parliament will provide the forum for that reassurance.”

Cooper Rejects Recall

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

However, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has rejected the suggestion that Parliament be recalled.

Conservatives Divided

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Even some Conservatives have disagreed with Patel’s recommendation, with shadow Home Secretary and fellow Conservative leadership contender James Cleverly telling BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, “There’s nothing that needs to be voted on.”

Political Fractures Revealed

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The ongoing violence in the UK and the political responses to it have revealed the growing fractures within right-wing politics in the country, as even Patel, who has been long considered the torch carrier for the right of the Conservative Party, has drawn a line in the sand between herself and Farage’s views.

Reaping the Whirlwind

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tsuguliev

Following years in which many within the previous Conservative government, including Patel and its supporters in the media, used asylum seekers and migrants as a dividing line between themselves and Labour to score political points, the country is now reaping the whirlwind.

Future of Farage’s Strategy

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Though Patel and Farage’s public spat over the definition of protests and riots in the UK has shown that some space still exists between the Conservatives and Reform, it remains to be seen whether Farage will heed Patel’s words or, as is more likely, continue to double down, as has worked for him so many times in the past.

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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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