UK Issues Sanctions Towards China for Cyber Attacks – Do They Go Far Enough?

The UK government has announced sanctions on China after a cyber security attack back in 2021, but critics say it isn’t enough.

UK’s Security Breach

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The UK has accused China of hacking into a voter database leaking 40 million voters’ personal details over six years.

China Attempts to Access MP Data

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The government also accused hackers linked to Beijing of attempting to breach classified government data including email accounts of MPs.

UK Imposes Sanctions on China

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In response to the cyberattacks, the UK has imposed sanctions on China, accusing hackers of targeting British democratic institutions.

Deputy Prime Minister’s Statement

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Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden described the cyberattacks on MPs and the Electoral Commission as “malign” but refrained from calling China a “threat.”

Sanctions on Cybergroup Revealed

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Dowden announced that the UK would sanction two members and one company linked to the cybergroup that allegedly carried out the attacks, APT31.

Tory MPs Slam “Feeble” Sanctions

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Tory MPs have slammed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s response to the attacks, with one former Tory minister calling the sanctions “feeble” and questioning why they took so long.

China’s Persistent Hostility

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According to Dowden, the attacks show a “clear and persistent pattern of behaviour that signals hostile intent from China.”

UK Won’t Stop Dealing with China

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Dowden revealed that although the UK has issued the sanctions, it will “continue to engage” in trade deals with China only “when it’s in our national interest”. 

China’s Response to Sanctions

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Beijing has since responded to sanctions issued by the United Kingdom and the United States, calling them “political manipulation.”

China Opposes Sanctions

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China’s spokesperson, Lin Jian, insisted, “This is purely political manipulation. China is strongly dissatisfied with this and firmly opposes it.”

Diplomatic Action

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The Chinese ambassador to the UK will be expected to speak about the cyber attacks to the government after almost three years of investigation.

China Accuses UK of Politicizing Attacks

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Jian declared that the United Kingdom and the United States were politicising the cyber attacks to “smear” and “slander” the country.

Jiang’s Plea to UK and US

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“We urge the United States and the United Kingdom to stop politicizing cyber security issues,” Lin Jiang argued before issuing accusations at the countries.

“Stop Slandering and Smearing China!”

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According to Jiang, the UK needs to “stop slandering and smearing China, impose unilateral sanctions, and stop cyberattacks on China.”

Former Immigration Minister’s Accusation

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Former Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick accused the Prime Minister of issuing a “feeble” response, arguing that the Tories haven’t done enough to protect the country from China.

China Attacking Democracy

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

Jenrick declared, “The Government clearly is not holding China to account for their attack on our democracy.”

Jenrick’s Warning to the Public

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Jenrick also accused the government of taking too long to hold China accountable, suggesting that China will see this as an opportunity for more attacks.

Braverman Slams China as “Threat”

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Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman also slammed the government’s response, calling China a threat when Dowden wouldn’t.

China as a “Threat”

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Braverman insisted, “It is abundantly clear that China is a hostile state and poses an unprecedented threat to our national security.”

UK Government’s Response Critiqued

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Although the UK sanctions have been issued, questions arise as to whether they go far enough to prevent a future attack.

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The post UK Issues Sanctions Towards China for Cyber Attacks – Do They Go Far Enough? first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Standret.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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