Last Showdown as Sunak and Starmer Do Battle in Heated Final Debate

In a high-stakes final debate before the election, Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer clashed fiercely over taxes, immigration, and leadership. Here’s the full story.

Head to Head

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The final debate before the general election brought Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer head-to-head, highlighting the stark contrasts between the two leaders on critical issues such as tax, immigration, gender, and Brexit.

Heated Debate

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Hosted by the BBC, the increasingly bad-tempered and surprisingly heated debate gave each politician their final chance to make their case to the electorate.

Tax Claims

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Taxation emerged as a central theme in the debate, with Sunak repeatedly accusing Starmer of planning tax increases. Sunak asked the audience and viewers, “Can you afford to pay at least £2,000 more in tax?” despite the UK’s statistics watchdog having previously issued a warning about this claim.

Starmer Refutes

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Starmer quickly refuted the allegation, stating, “That is a lie, he’s been told not to repeat that lie and he’s just done it.” He added that Labour’s tax policies would not burden ordinary households.

Immigration Clash

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Immigration was another contentious topic, with Sunak repeatedly criticising Starmer’s plans for handling illegal migration. Growing increasingly angry, Sunak argued that Starmer’s plans for return agreements with other countries would not be feasible.

“Nonsensical Claims”

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He stated, “He says he’s going to sit down with people. Are you going to sit down with the Iranian ayatollahs? Are you going to do a deal with the Taliban? It’s completely nonsensical what you are saying. You are taking people for fools.”

Rwanda Debate

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Starmer countered by savaging Sunak’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, arguing it had not deterred illegal crossings, had left thousands of asylum seekers in limbo, and had left hundreds awaiting their asylum claims in hotels paid for at the taxpayer’s expense.

Asylum Claims

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Starmer stated, “At the moment, they are not being processed … There are tens of thousands of people sitting in hotels, and you haven’t processed their claims. At the moment, 100% of them are effectively being granted asylum … and because they aren’t being processed, they can’t be returned to where they come from.”

Gender and Rights

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Both leaders agreed on the importance of protecting single-sex spaces, but their approaches differed. Surprisingly, for all the negative media attention the issue generates, the loudest cheers and applause of the night came when Starmer spoke movingly about the sensitive issue of gender and women’s rights.

Dignity and Respect

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Starmer stated that in the UK, there were “a small number of people who are born into a gender that they don’t identify with.” Of them, he said, “I will treat them, as I treat all human beings, with dignity and respect.”

Anti-Trans Joke

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He argued that it was vital that dignity and respect were awarded to trans people, arguing that “If you don’t, we end up with the prime minister of the United Kingdom standing in parliament making an anti-trans joke in front of the mother of a murdered trans teenager.”

Sunak Responds

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Rather weakly, Sunak shot back, “That’s not what I did. I was pointing out that you’ve changed your mind on this question multiple times.”

Brexit Fallout

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Unsurprisingly, Brexit and its economic fallout were significant points of contention in one of the most lively sections of the debate.

Trade Deal Fears

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Sunak warned that any attempt to renegotiate trade deals with the EU would effectively mean allowing “free movement by the back doors.”

Starmer’s Stand

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Starmer was unequivocal in his response, which garnered significant applause, stating, “We are not going back into the EU, we’re not rejoining the single market or customs union, and we’re not accepting freedom of movement.”

Better Deal

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pressmaster

He continued, “I know we can get a better deal than the botched deal that we’ve got and I’m going to go out and fight for it.”

Sharp Exchanges

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Frequent interruptions and increasingly sharp exchanges marked the debate. Sunak relentlessly questioned Starmer’s policies, attempting to portray them as unrealistic and damaging. He constantly repeated the refrain “Don’t surrender to Labour” on several issues.

Combative Starmer

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Starmer, who was considerably more combative than in previous debates, sought to refute these attacks and present Labour’s vision as pragmatic and grounded in fairness. Despite his relatively calmer style of debate compared to Sunak’s frequent interruptions, at one point, the Labour leader landed a near knock-out blow on Sunak, stating, “If you listen to the people in the audience, across the country, more often, you might not be quite so out of touch.”

Fractured Politics

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As the election creeps closer, this final debate showed the increasingly fractured state of British politics. An increasingly desperate seeming Sunak squared off against Starmer, who had little hope to offer the electorate and viewers despite polls predicting a massive majority.

Heat Not Light

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Producing much heat but little light, it remains to be seen if this final debate will sway undecided voters toward either Labour or the Conservatives come polling day.

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The post Last Showdown as Sunak and Starmer Do Battle in Heated Final Debate first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / aerogondo2.

Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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