“Ill-Informed” – Tories Accused of Playing a Political Game With Gender Education in Schools

Gillian Keegan, Education Secretary, will release guidance to restrict sex education lessons by age and content in a controversial political move that “should be focusing on [pupils’] wellbeing”.

New Sex Education Rules

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The new guidance, to be released on Thursday, 16 May, is expected to include restrictions on teaching gender and identity, contraception and sexual violence.

Age Restrictions

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It is expected that the guidance will prevent discussions of “explicit” topics, namely contraception and sexual violence, until year 9. Most pupils would be aged 13 at this time, which many consider too late to introduce these subjects. 

Gender Identity Education

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The Sun reported that a Cabinet memo explicitly detailed gender identity as a subject that “should not be taught”.

Education Secretary

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Gillian Keegan, also MP for Chichester, discusses “age-appropriate” education on relationships and sex on her website. 

“Highly Sensitive Subject”

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However, the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, Pepe Di’Iasio, said, “We do not think the government has handled the important matter of the teaching of sex education with the care it deserves. It has not consulted with school leaders and we have not seen the guidance that is planned other than through leaked reports to the media.”.

Putting the Children First

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Di’Iasio also said, “Pupils are being placed in the middle of a highly sensitive subject and being used as a political football for the sake of headlines when we should be focusing on their wellbeing.”.

Mandatory Subject

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Since 2020, it has been mandatory for primary schools to cover relationship education, and secondary schools must include relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) in their curriculum.

Limit Teaching

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The revisions are expected to limit teaching to basic facts—conception and birth—and highlight the importance of relationships, including what is “respectful.” 

Safeguarding for All Children

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Keegan is expected to frame the controversial changes as key to keeping children safe in the modern world. Those against the measures argue that, unfortunately, children need to be aware of issues like sexual violence at a younger age.

Section 28

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The specific rules against discussion of gender and gender identity have led to links being made with Section 28, a now-defunct piece of legislation introduced by Thatcher’s Conservative government.

Section 28

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Section 28 became law in 1988 and meant that local authorities “promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship”. It was repealed in 2003.

“Arm-Chair Politics”

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While Keegan and her supporters argue that it is inappropriate to teach children about gender, sexuality and sexual violence until a certain age, others have made strong cases against this logic.

“Skills to Stay Safe”

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Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said, “It’s always age appropriate to give young people skills to stay safe… This is the worst kind of arm-chair politics: bigoted and ill-informed.”


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The current controversy comes just months after shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson called Keegan “pathetic” following comments Keegan made about Ofsted.

“Demeaned Her Office”

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Phillipson said, “Keegan has demeaned her office as secretary of state. And to do so in front of an audience of school leaders – many of whom are themselves Ofsted inspectors, and take that responsibility very seriously – is frankly pathetic.”.

What Had Keegan Done?

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The comments Keegan made to invite such criticism concerned how she would have reacted if an Ofsted inspector had been rude to her: “I thought, ‘If I’d have met these people I’d have probably punched them.’”.

Chief of Ofsted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

The Chief of Ofsted, Martyn Oliver, was asked about Keegan’s remark and responded, “I think people should act with professionalism, courtesy, empathy and respect on both sides.”.

Education Crisis

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Keegan has been Education Secretary since October 2023, and this isn’t the first time she’s come under fire.

Schools “At Risk of Collapse”

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In the same month, the concrete scandal came to light – reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) buildings. The dangers of these buildings’ rooves collapsing had been known since it happened in a primary school in 2018, but no real action was taken to keep other schools safe.

Sex Education and Keegan’s Future

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Once the revisions are announced this week, we expect some emotional responses to the issue. Will Keegan be making way for the seventh Education Secretary since the election in 2019?

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The post “Bigoted and Ill-Informed” – Tories Accused of Playing Politics With Gender Education in Schools first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / BearFotos.

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