Tories Distance From Chancellor’s Salary Comments

The government has distanced itself from Jeremy Hunt’s claim that a six-figure salary doesn’t go very far.

Government Condemns Hunt

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The government has rebuked Chancellor Jeremy Hunt for his comments suggesting that £100,000 isn’t that much of a salary.

Hunt’s Childcare Concern

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Hunt posted on social media about his concern that government-funded childcare wasn’t available to those who earned over £100,000 a year.

Hunt’s Alleged Conversation

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According to Hunt, he spoke to a lady who told him that she earned over £100,000 but was not eligible for the scheme.

Hunt’s Priority to Protect High-Earner Childcare

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Hunt claimed that those earning over £100,000 and not receiving free childcare was “an issue” he “would really like to sort out after the next election.”

100k “Not a Huge” Salary

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Hunt also insisted that a yearly salary of  £100,000 was not enough to cover childcare expenses, it is not [a] huge salary in our area if you have a mortgage to pay,” he claimed.

Hunt Refuses To Budge

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Hunt received criticism from both MPs and the public after his claims, resulting in him addressing the comments and doubling down on them.

Citing Housing Costs

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Hunt claimed that the current housing costs mean that salaries that seem high don’t go as far as you might think.

Hunt Doubles Down on Claim

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Hunt said, “What sounds like a large salary… doesn’t go as far as you might think,” citing the £670,000 housing costs in his area as a reason for this.

Hunt Plans to Look Into Free Childcare

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Hunt admitted that his plan to secure free childcare for those earning higher salaries never actually came to fruition, but insists he will look into it.

Hunt Admits Failure in Securing Childcare

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According to Hunt, “We weren’t able to afford to fund childcare for people on the higher salaries but I was simply saying that’s something I’d love to be able to look at in the next parliament.”

Prime Minister Disagrees With Hunt

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A spokesperson for the Prime Minister has revealed that the government does consider £100k a high salary, “Clearly £100,000 is a high salary,” they said.

Caller Agrees With Hunt’s Claims

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A caller on the popular show LBC tried to prove that two people earning £100,000 between them is not a high salary, prompting more backlash on social media.

Caller Convinces Host About Salary

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The caller managed to convince the host, Rachel Johnson, that the £100,000 shared between him and his wife doesn’t go as far as people think.

£600 A Week Savings

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After breaking down the salary and filtering out expenses, the caller claimed that he and his family saved £600 a week with the salary.

Johnson Agrees With Caller

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Johnson ended up agreeing with the caller, admitting “You are absolutely right, that is not very much,” although critics claim this is a huge saving.

Cheap Holiday Woes

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The caller told Johnson that the salary wasn’t as good as people would think due to them having to choose a cheaper holiday over an expensive one.

Caller’s Holiday Claims

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The caller insisted “It doesn’t get us very far. We have to think about a cheap holiday rather than an extraordinarily expensive holiday”.

Labour Party’s Response

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The Labour Party has slammed Chancellor Hunt for being “desperately out of touch” for his suggestion that £100,000 isn’t all that much.

Average Salary Comparison

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The average salary in the UK sits at £34,963 as of April last year, a substantial £65,037 less than what Hunt described as not enough.

Tories “Out of Touch”

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Critics argue that Hunt’s claim shows how “out of touch” the Tories are despite the government’s attempt to distance itself from the Chancellor’s views.

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The post “Out of Touch” – Tories Distance From Chancellor’s Salary Comments first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / photocosmos1.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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