A new biography reveals that Queen Elizabeth II allegedly found Donald Trump “very rude” during his visits to the UK, sparking a fierce denial from the former President—here’s the full story.
Trump’s Fragile Ego

Former President and convicted felon Donald Trump’s infamously fragile ego took a severe hit recently following claims in a newly published biography.
Queen’s Displeasure Revealed

In the book A Voyage Around the Queen by Craig Brown, serialised in the Daily Mail, the author contradicted Trump’s claims of a close bond with the late British monarch.
“Very Rude” Behaviour

According to Brown, Queen Elizabeth II was privately very displeased with Trump’s behaviour during his official visits to the UK, going so far as to confide in a friend that she found him “very rude,” which, for a royal famous for her public appearance of impartiality, is about as damning an indictment of Trump’s behaviour as possible.
Entertaining Controversial Leaders

Brown wrote, “Over the course of her reign, Her Majesty entertained many controversial foreign leaders, including Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Donald Trump, Emperor Hirohito and Vladimir Putin. She may not have found their company convivial; upon their departure, she may even have voiced a discreet word of disapproval.”
Queen Confided Her Displeasure

He added, “A few weeks after President Trump’s visit, for instance, she confided in one lunch guest that she found him ‘very rude’: she particularly disliked the way he couldn’t stop looking over her shoulder, as though in search of others more interesting.”
Trump Denies Claims

In response to the claims, Trump, clearly unhappy with both the late Queen’s comments and the fact he was listed alongside a who’s who of foreign dictators, categorically denied the accusations in his typical haughty fashion.
Trump’s “Sleaze Bag” Remark

In his understated and levelheaded way of speaking, Trump labelled author Craig Brown a “sleaze bag” despite claiming not to know who he was and falsely claimed that the Queen waxed lyrical about her love for the former President.
Trump Defends Relationship

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Trump fumed, “I have no idea who the writer is, but it was really just the opposite. I had a great relationship with the Queen. She liked me and I liked her. We spent hours together at a state dinner. She was a fantastic woman. I think it’s a shame that a sleaze bag can write an article that’s totally false. In fact, I’ve heard always the opposite.”
A Favourite President?

It was unclear whether Trump was trying to convince the interviewer or himself when he added, “I heard I was her favourite President, and you’ve heard that too. She would say it to a lot of people.”
Election Troubles Loom

Trump may have been defensive regarding the late Queen’s reported opinion of him, considering that the US election campaign appears to be going poorly for him currently.
Memories of UK Protests

Alternatively, it may bring up bad memories of the huge protests that took place in the UK when he visited. However, it may just be because Trump takes every piece of criticism as a personal attack and responds accordingly.
Kamala Harris Frustrations

Since Kamala Harris took the reins from Joe Biden to become the Democratic nominee for President, Trump has appeared increasingly frustrated that none of his usual attack lines against her are working, although the polls remain close.
First Meeting in 2018

Trump’s first meeting with the Queen was in 2018, during a working visit to the UK. Substantial public protests against the then-president’s visit followed, including a memorable blimp depicting Trump as a crying baby that floated along above the protesters.
Breaching Royal Protocol

Similarly, many Brits were unamused when news leaked that Trump had repeatedly breached royal protocol during his time with the monarch, including keeping her waiting for up to ten minutes.
A “Model” Guest Later

Despite this, Trump’s next visit to the UK was a complete state visit with all the pomp and ceremony that it provides, after which Buckingham Palace described Trump as a “model” guest.
Buckingham Palace Silent

As is customary with matters involving the Royal Family, Buckingham Palace has remained silent on the claims made in Brown’s book, keeping with the palace’s long-standing tradition of refraining from commenting on biographies.
Public Speculation Abounds

This silence has left the public to speculate on the veracity of the claims, though many seem all too willing to believe that a figure as controversial and abrasive as Trump would likely be able to draw a rare rebuke from the royal most famous for her discretion.
Damage to Ego

It may never be known whether the late Queen Elizabeth II found Trump “very rude.” Still, the damage to Trump’s fragile ego seems undeniable, considering the former President took time out of his busy US election campaign to deny the charge categorically.
Impact on Election Unclear

However, it remains to be seen what effect, if any, the accusation will have on Trump and his greatly inflated sense of self-importance as the US election draws nearer.
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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Evan El-Amin.
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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.