Truss’s NHS Cancer Cut Proposal Revealed in Explosive New Biography

A new biography uncovers shocking claims that Liz Truss considered drastic NHS cuts, including cancer treatment, during her chaotic time as Prime Minister—leaving many to question just how far she was willing to go to save her floundering economic plan. Here’s the full story.

Mercifully Brief Tenure

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stuart Monk

Liz Truss’s mercifully brief tenure as Prime Minister is still sparking controversy nearly two years after a lettuce outlasted her time in Number 10.

Chaotic 49 Days

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Her 49 chaotic days in office were marked by a hastily implemented and widely criticised economic crisis caused by her disastrous mini-budget and internal strife within the Conservative Party about what to do about a leader who appeared to be rapidly losing the plot.

“How Not to Be PM”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Don Pablo

A damning new biography by Anthony Seldon, Truss at 10: How Not to Be Prime Minister, has shed further light on the chaos that reigned in Downing Street as Truss desperately tried to save her libertarian agenda as it fell to pieces around her.

Economic Turmoil Unleashed

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The economic turmoil caused by Truss’ mini-budget, which proposed £45 billion in unfunded tax cuts, sent shockwaves through the financial markets, leading to a sharp decline in the pound’s value and a crisis of confidence among investors.

Panic and Desperation

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According to Seldon, as panic began to spread in the halls of power, the situation in Downing Street quickly descended into farce as Truss and her Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, desperately scrambled to find possible spending cuts that could stabilise the economic disaster they had wrought.

Advisors’ Desperate Measures

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The book details how Truss’s team of advisers, including Jamie Hope, Shabbir Merali, and Alex Boyd, convened to explore all potential avenues for savings. During these discussions, one of the most alarming suggestions was reportedly put forward: cutting NHS cancer treatment funding.

Shocking Considerations

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According to Seldon, the idea of cutting NHS cancer treatment was a stark illustration of the lengths to which Truss and her team were willing to go in their desperate bid to find the necessary funds to support their ill-fated economic strategy.

“Is She Serious?”

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The book claims that Alex Boyd, a senior adviser to Truss, was informed that halting cancer treatment was under consideration to save Truss’ doomed economic policy, to which he frantically replied, “Is she being serious?”

“Lost the Plot”

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Boyd then received the grim confirmation that Truss had “lost the plot.” Truss’s closest advisors explained, “She’s shouting at everyone – at us and officials that we’ve ‘got to find the money!’ When we tell her it can’t be done, she shouts back, ‘It’s not true. The money is there. You go and find it.’”

Truss’s Denial

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Despite the severity of these claims, a spokesperson for Truss has categorically denied the accusations, stating that it is “completely untrue that she ever considered” cutting NHS cancer care.

Kwarteng Distances Himself

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Kwasi Kwarteng, Chancellor at the time, also distanced himself from the suggestion, though he did not rule out that Truss may have considered it. He told the Independent, “I wasn’t involved in any conversations about restricting healthcare, but that doesn’t mean the prime minister and her team didn’t discuss this.”

Bleak Picture Painted

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Corrado Baratta

Altogether, the book paints a bleak picture of what it was like to work behind the scenes for the woman who, terrifyingly, at that moment, was the most powerful person in the country.

Paranoia and Backstabbing

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Aside from the nightmarish visions of Truss demanding the impossible from her advisors in a modern-day version of Hitler’s last moments in the bunker, ordering around armies that no longer exist, her time in office was also apparently marked by, unsurprisingly, paranoia and backstabbing.

Gove Criticises Truss

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Peter Rhys Williams

The book recounts how Truss faced significant opposition within her party during the mini-budget crisis. Michael Gove publicly criticised her approach, declaring that funding tax cuts through borrowing was “not Conservative.”

Gove Labelled a “Snake”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

For daring to speak truth to power as the economy crashed, Truss labelled Gove a “snake.” However, that did not stop her from trying to bring him into her government later in a desperate attempt to regain political ground.

Fears of Smear Campaign

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In addition to the economic and political turmoil, Seldon’s biography touches on Truss’ fears of being the target of a smear campaign during her bid for the Conservative Party leadership.

“Dirty Tricks” Fears

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The book claims that Truss and her allies were concerned about a potential “dirty tricks” operation orchestrated by figures within the Conservative Party headquarters, fearing that a dossier detailing accusations of Truss’ heavy drinking, along with the cocaine habits of members of her team, would be used to derail her leadership campaign.


Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Ultimately, this dossier never materialised, and Truss ultimately proved all too capable of destroying her own premiership without any “dirty tricks” from her fellow MPs.

A Tumultuous Period

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nigel J. Harris

Liz Truss’s brief time as Prime Minister will be remembered as one of the most tumultuous periods in British political history. The revelations in Sir Anthony Seldon’s book have only added to the widespread belief that Truss was a woman wildly out of her depth.

Skeletons Yet to Surface

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Melinda Nagy

As the UK continues to grapple with the long-term consequences of Truss’s decisions, the other skeletons in Liz Truss’s political closet remain to be seen.

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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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