Ukraine’s Kursk Gamble: Western Weapons Shine, But Supply Woes Persist

Ukraine’s bold incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, bolstered by US-supplied Bradley Fighting Vehicles and UK-supplied Challenger 2 tanks, has yielded significant gains but exposed critical challenges in sustaining the momentum. Here’s the full story.

Ukrainian Morale Boosted

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As Ukraine continues its daring incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, which has significantly boosted Ukrainian morale, the importance of Western-supplied weapons systems, particularly tanks and armoured vehicles, is becoming increasingly apparent.

594 Russians Captured

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Over just three weeks, Ukrainian forces have successfully captured 594 Russian soldiers and seized control of over 100 settlements within Russia, according to General Oleksandr Syrskyi, Ukraine’s commander-in-chief.

Diverting Russian Forces

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The incursion has been primarily aimed at diverting Russian combat units from the eastern front, where incremental and brutal Russian advances have become increasingly concerning for Kyiv. The strategy has paid off, with Russia reportedly moving 30,000 troops to the border region in an attempt to repel the incursion, which has been profoundly embarrassing for the Kremlin.

Eastern Front Challenges

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However, General Syrskyi admitted that Russian attacks in the east of Ukraine, where Russian forces are slowly advancing on the critical city of Pokrovsk, are taking their toll, telling the Guardian, “The enemy is trying to withdraw units from other directions. But it is increasing its efforts in the Pokrovsk sectors.”

Difficult Situation in Pokrovsk

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He added, “The situation on the Pokrovsk front is fairly difficult … The enemy is using its advantage in personnel, weapons and military equipment.”

Tactical Advantage and Morale

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The operation in Kursk has not only given Ukraine a tactical advantage but also boosted morale among Ukrainian forces and citizens. One key element contributing to Ukraine’s resilience in the conflict has been the substantial military support provided by Western nations, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom.

Bradley Vehicles Crucial

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The delivery of more than 300 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine has emerged as a pivotal factor in the country’s ability to conduct successful operations against Russian forces. According to military experts, the significant availability of these vehicles has allowed Ukraine to use them more flexibly and effectively, achieving notable successes on the battlefield.

Flexibility With Bradleys

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Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former commander of the UK’s Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Regiment, told Business Insider that the mass deployment of Bradleys has enabled Ukraine to engage in more aggressive manoeuvres, even in risky situations where some vehicles might be lost.

Challenger 2 Limitations

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

He argued that this strategic flexibility contrasts sharply with the limited impact of other Western-supplied equipment, such as the Challenger 2 tanks, which have been provided in much smaller quantities.

“Can’t Afford to Lose Many”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Col de Bretton-Gordon explained, “They’ve got a lot of them, and if they had a lot of Abrams and a lot of Challengers, they would use them differently.” He added, “When you’ve only got 14 Challenger 2s, you can’t really afford to lose many. So I think that is key.”

The “Bradley Legend”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Maksim Konstantinov

The effectiveness of the Bradley vehicles in combat has led to the emergence of a new “Bradley legend” among Ukrainian forces, reinforcing their resolve while instilling fear in Russian troops.

Bradleys as Mythical Beasts

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The Bradleys’ versatility and reliability have made them indispensable assets in various combat scenarios, from engaging infantry in bunkers to countering Russian tanks. Col de Bretton-Gordon stated, “If you’ve got two or three Bradleys firing at one T-90 — and the Russians haven’t been very clever, the way they’ve used their tanks — that overwhelming firepower means that they’re taking these T-90s out and the Bradley is sort of becoming a bit of a mythological beast.”

Slow Weapon Deliveries Criticised

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However, while the success of the Bradleys and, to a lesser extent, the Challenger 2 tanks has boosted Ukrainian morale and allowed the beleaguered nation to counter Russian forces effectively, many experts and military personnel have criticised the slow and limited delivery of such weapons to Ukraine.

“One Hand Behind Their Back”

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As noted by de Bretton-Gordon, this piecemeal approach to military aid has forced Ukraine to fight “with one hand behind their back.” The lack of sufficient advanced Western tanks, for example, has limited Ukraine’s ability to achieve decisive breakthroughs in the conflict, leading to frustration among both Ukrainian officials and their Western allies.

Zelenskyy Appeals for More Support

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has directly appealed to several countries, including the UK, for more support, stating, “America, Britain, France, and our other partners have the power to help us stop this terror. The time for decisive action is now.”

Russia Intensifies Attacks

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In response to Ukraine’s actions in the Kursk region and the continued Western support for Kyiv, Russia has intensified its military operations, mainly targeting Ukraine’s critical infrastructure.

Western Condemnation and Support

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Oleh Dubyna

These attacks have drawn sharp condemnation from the international community, with Western leaders calling them “outrageous” and further pledging support for Ukraine.

Future of Western Support

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexey Fedorenko

As the conflict enters a new phase, Ukraine’s ability to sustain its military efforts will depend on continued and enhanced support from its Western allies, particularly in more extensive and timely deliveries of essential equipment.

Will Western Support Continue?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dmytro Sheremeta

However, it remains to be seen whether Western nations will continue to provide lip service to Western support of Ukraine or whether the lessons learned from the “Bradley legend” will boost Western support for Ukraine and its forces.

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Grant Gallacher is a seasoned writer with expertise in politics and impactful daily news. His work, deeply rooted in addressing issues that resonate with a wide audience, showcases an unwavering commitment to bringing forth the stories that matter. He is also known for satirical writing and stand up comedy.

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