21 ‘New’ Fashions Boomers Have Seen Before

Fashion trends are like bad pennies or that one relative at family gatherings; they just keep turning up. Whether you’re a Boomer feeling nostalgic or a Millennial suffering from second-hand vintage embarrassment, here’s a rundown of fashions that refuse to just stay in their decade. 1. Flares Flared trousers flapped their way out of the … Read more

20 UK Phrases That Can Baffle Other Regions

Explore the unique linguistic quirks specific to various regions across the UK. These regional phrases, from Scottish colloquialisms to Cornish expressions, provide a colourful glimpse into local dialects. How many of these can you decipher? 1. “It’s Crackin’ Flags” – Yorkshire Used in Yorkshire to describe very hot weather, implying it’s hot enough to crack … Read more

19 Brexit Fibs That Turned Out to Be FALSE

Remember when Brexit was sold as a straightforward, win-win situation? As it turns out, the road to Brexit was paved with not-so-good intentions and a fair share of outright fibs. The campaign was a masterclass in misinformation, selling Britons a basket of more fictional promises than a Sunday night drama. Now, with the benefit of … Read more

Overrated and Overpriced: 15 UK Places Where Tourist Numbers Are Falling

Some UK counties are seeing a surprising drop in tourist numbers. From scenic rural escapes to historic havens, why are fewer people visiting these once-popular destinations? Let’s uncover the reasons behind the decline. 1. Cornwall Once a haven for surfers and beach-goers, Cornwall has seen a drop in tourist numbers, possibly due to recent overcrowding … Read more

21 Boomer Phrases We’ve SICK of Hearing

Ah, the Baby Boomers – a generation as famous for its cultural revolutions as it is for those catchphrases that have the younger gens rolling their eyes into the next postcode. Let’s check out the 21 most irritating:  1. “Back in my day…” The classic opener to any tale that usually ends with how much … Read more

15 Extraordinary Places in the UK

The UK is home to some truly bizarre and unique destinations that defy the ordinary. From mystical stones to modern oddities, this list explores 15 of the weirdest places you can visit across the British Isles. How many of these strange spots have you visited? 1. Mother Shipton’s Cave – North Yorkshire England’s oldest visitor … Read more