“Something Is Very Wrong” With Border Controls, Claimed Sacked Author of London Airport Report

A report issued by a government watchdog described the lack of security at a London airport as “a matter of urgency” after the government sacked the author for his claims.

Border Control Chaos

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Earlier in the year, former Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, David Neal, was sacked over a Zoom call by James Cleverley, Secretary of State for the Home Department.

Lack of Security Checks

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Neal was dismissed from his role after raising concerns about security at London’s airports, claiming a lack of security checks for high-risk flights.

Government Borders Watchdog Report

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Neal issued a report to the Home Office revealing that many of the flights containing high-risk passengers were not properly checked, potentially threatening national security.

Report Revealed

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Neal’s report that was dismissed by Cleverely and resulted in his dismissal has now been released to the public, showing his concerns.

Concerns Identified

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The report identified failings at the “local, regional, and national level in the Border Force’s response to general aviation (GA)” indicating a pressing need for improvement.

“Significant Risk” Displayed

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The report suggested that the failings of border security at London City Airport posed a “significant risk to security at the border.”

Lack of Checks on High-Risk Flights

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Neal argued before he was sacked that just 144 of the 687 high-risk flights entering the UK last year were properly checked.

Lack of Passport Checks

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Neal also revealed that passengers on 543 flights landing at London City Airport were not being properly checked for passports.

Urgent Call For Change

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Neal disclosed in the report’s foreword that no high-risk flights that enter Gatwick Airport can come without proper security checks, calling the issue “a matter of urgency.”

Revealing Lack of Security

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Neal asserted that this “Guidance (is) designed to keep the country safe” revealing that less than a third of low-risk flights were properly checked last year.

Report Displays “Shocking” Findings

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Neal explained that the report’s findings were “shocking” while insisting that “something is clearly very wrong” regarding immigration security in the UK.

Labour’s Response to Report

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The Labour Party responded to the report displaying shock, with Yvette Cooper, the Shadow Home Secretary, calling the report a scandal.

Tories Lost Control

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According to Cooper, the report was “scandalous” accusing the Tories of losing “control of our borders and our border security”.

Tory “Scandal” Revealed

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Cooper’s words were echoed by Neal at the time of his dismissal, who called the report a “scandal” which is incredibly dangerous for this country’s border security.”

Lack of Border Security Training Revealed

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The report also indicated “a lack of formal training for Border Force staff” at London City Airport, backing up Cooper’s claim that the Tories have “lost control” of the border.

Response from Border Force

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In response to the report, Border Force Director General Phil Douglas disputed some aspects, citing factual inaccuracies and affirming the agency’s commitment to border security.

Border Control Defends Actions

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Douglas insisted that the UK border control has never compromised “on border security” claiming that they always “carry out robust security checks.”

Douglas Denies Wrongdoing

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According to Douglas, “some of the information in this report is factually inaccurate” dismissing claims that only a partial amount of border checks were carried out on high-risk flights.

Ministers “Hiding” The Truth

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dilok Klaisataporn

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper also accused Ministers of “hiding the true scale of the flaws” by denying any wrongdoing as Neal published 13 different reports criticising the UK’s security.

Public to Make Informed Decision

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Revealing Neal’s report to the world allows the public to make an informed decision on whether the government is doing enough to protect the UK’s borders ahead of the general election this year.

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The post “Something Is Very Wrong” With Border Controls first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / 1000 Words.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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