Clever Clogs: 10 Best Schooling Areas in the UK

For parents on the hunt for top-tier education, here’s where the academic magic happens in the top 10 counties for education. 

#10. Cornwall

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Boris Stroujko

Cornwall pairs its stunning views with schools that are quickly climbing the ranks. It’s not just the scenery that’s bright here.

#9. Norfolk

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Col.Wilson 27

Norfolk’s schools, under wide open skies, are all about pushing boundaries and climbing higher, academically speaking.

#8. Devon

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stephen Beaumont

Devon proves that learning thrives in beautiful places, with its schools setting high standards and even higher achievements.

#7. Hertfordshire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Richard Semik

Hertfordshire hosts esteemed educational institutions, making it an attractive destination for both residents and scholars.

#6. Buckinghamshire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jun Huang

Grammar schools reign supreme in Buckinghamshire, offering a fast track to academic excellence that’s hard to beat.

#5. Edinburgh, Scotland

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Edinburghcitymom

Edinburgh’s schools are steeped in history and academic rigor, guiding students toward bright futures with a Scottish flair.

#4. Oxfordshire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / aslysun

In the shadow of the dreaming spires, Oxfordshire’s schools excel, nurturing the next generation of thinkers and leaders.

#3. Cambridgeshire

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Premier Photo

Cambridgeshire is a breeding ground for innovation, with schools that are as forward-thinking as the university they share their home with.

#2. Greater London

Image Credit: Shutterstock / littlesam

London’s educational landscape is as diverse as its population, offering world-class opportunities for students from all walks of life.

#1. Surrey

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Hasnat Sheikh

Claiming the top spot, Surrey’s schools are the full package: academically outstanding, holistic, and just downright impressive. It’s where every parent dreams their child could go.

A Class Apart

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Deflector Image

In these counties, schools do more than teach; they transform. For the best in UK education, look no further. Your child’s future could be written in the classrooms of these top-tier locales.

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The post Clever Clogs: 10 Best Schooling Area in the UK first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Richard Semik.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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