40% of Gen Z Abstain From Alcohol and Prefer Staying in, Leaving Nightlife Under Threat

The traditional British nightlife scene is allegedly under threat, as hundreds of clubs, pubs, and restaurants face closure while younger Brits consume less alcohol.

The Fall of the Mid-Week Drink

According to research, the tradition of a mid-week drink has fallen since the cost of living crisis began, with people’s wages not moving as fast as inflation.

Nightlife experts caution that one club is closing every two days, primarily attributed to the decline in midweek clubbing, driven by the rising cost of living.

Since the pandemic began in 2020, the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) reported that nearly 400 nightclubs have shut down in the UK, with other organizations giving dire predictions for the future of the UK.

Rekom, the UK’s largest club chain owner, recently announced the closure of 17 venues, the reason being that students simply can’t afford to go on nights out like they used to in the previous decade.

Britain Lost 32% of Nightclubs 

According to the NTIA, a staggering 4% (31) of all UK nightclubs closed down in 2023 alone, with  32% of Britain’s nightclubs shut down since 2020.

According to the NTIA, “pandemic debt, growing energy bills, workforce challenges, supply chain, increased insurance premiums, landlord pressures and product cost increases.”

Describing the combination of the pandemic, cost of living crisis, and increased insurance premiums, the NTIA called the factors a “perfect storm of events” that has now led to the closure of hundreds of nightclubs.

Sustainability of Nightclub Business

Nightlife adviser Sacha Lord stressed the need for nightclubs to diversify and not rely solely on weekend business to remain financially sustainable.

Lord argued that in order to be a successful business, nightclubs can’t rely on the popular weekend nights of Friday and Saturday, “A nightclub business is not sustainable just on a Saturday night and a semi-good Friday night,” said Lord.

Despite that, it’s becoming harder to pay the bills for nightclubs to open during the week, as customers aren’t flooding in like they used to, which Lord argues is down to the government and the cost of living.

“The main reason we’re seeing nightclubs close is that midweek nights have completely fallen away and it’s mainly down to the cost of living,” Lord argued, before noting that this wasn’t the case before the pandemic.

Student Behaviour Change

According to Lord, before the pandemic, students frequently participated in midweek clubbing; however, the trend has shifted towards house parties due to financial constraints caused by escalating rents and food prices.

Changing drinking habits and earlier nights are affecting pubs and restaurants, resulting in closures, with nearly 400 pubs shutting down in the first half of 2023.

Sobriety Trends Among Generation Z

Generation Z is becoming one of the least likely generations to drink alcohol, with data indicating that 39% of 18 to 24-year-olds abstain from alcohol, affecting the nightclub businesses.

The reason for this could be down to both the mental health benefits that come with abstaining from alcohol and social media influencers that promote sobriety as a trend to follow.

Despite Gen Z’s decline in drinking alcohol for their health, a survey from Bristol noted that 88% of young people think that nightclubbing improves their mental health and well-being.

Rise of Alcohol-Free Options

The Portman Group’s annual survey revealed a decline in weekly alcohol consumption, influenced by health-conscious decisions and the availability of information on the negative effects of alcohol.

But the decline in alcohol consumption from young people isn’t the only thing contributing to the decline in pubs across the UK. Sky-high energy bills have also made it difficult for businesses to stay afloat.

Despite claims that the war in Ukraine is contributing to the soaring energy prices, companies like British Gas reported record profits that were ten times the amount of the previous year.

Nightlife in the UK is becoming less of a priority in the government’s eyes, but that won’t change student culture, as they find alternative, cost-effective ways to party through the week.

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The post 40% of Gen Z Abstain From Alcohol and Prefer Staying in, Leaving UK Nightlife Under Threat first appeared on Edge Media.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Paolo Paradiso.

Oscar Davies, an expert in US and UK politics and sports, is renowned for his sharp and engaging writing style, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers.

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